Chapter 006: Encountering Shen Chuyun!

The horse-faced youth was overwhelmed.

One million, one million!

You can easily buy a set of two bedrooms and one living room in the slightly marginal area of ​​Wucheng!

Hearing Su Yu's words again at this moment, a bit of hostility flashed in his sight when he looked at Li Ranging.


Two slaps in exchange for a million, Feng Ge can understand!

It doesn't matter if you don't understand!

The big deal will come and apologize personally at that time!

Li Rangfeng looked at the young man with a face of a horse face, and the soles of his feet let out a cold breath.

If this is caused by him, it is not a matter of two slaps!

Think about it, the person I called to fight and beat myself!

In today's age where the Internet is so developed, I am afraid that every minute of it will be killed by society.

The Ma Lian youth walked over and said with a grin: "Brother Feng, it's not easy for me, so take care of it. After getting one million, my brother will invite you to dinner or kneel for you."

Other guests saw this. Someone looked excited, some just took the phone and started shooting.

Li Rangfeng's face was like pig liver, and he roared at them: "Who dares to shoot? Who dares to shoot? Want to die, don't you?" The

other guests roared with laughter.

Who is afraid of him who is beaten up by someone he called to fight?

"Do you care about me?"

"Interesting, haha, fierce and cruel enough!"

"So arrogant, why are you afraid of embarrassment? Anyway, you are not embarrassed, it is us who are embarrassed."

Li Rangfeng has a thug with blue veins on his forehead.

When the guests on the first floor heard the movement upstairs, they all came up to watch the excitement.

Outside the Ladies' Residence, a black car also stopped.

The security guards outside the ladies' residence rushed up to the car.

Three figures came down from the car, impressively Shen Chuyun, Wang Xue, and Chen Ling.

After the three women decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow, Wang Xue took the two to have lunch to relax.

With Shen Chuyun's current state, there is simply no way to work well.

After some hesitation, Shen Chuyun agreed.

Who knew that when the three women had just entered the ladies' residence, they saw a lot of people rushing to the second floor.

Shen Chuyun is the VIP of Ladies' Residence. Seeing her at the front desk, he hurriedly greeted her and said: "Boss Shen! There are more guests today. Wait a moment and we will clean up a table immediately."

Shen Chuyun nodded.

Wang Xue pointed to the second floor curiously: "What happened? Why is the second floor so lively?" The

front desk squeezed an awkward smile and said, "I don't know too well. It seems that the big boss is giving a million people. To slap someone twice."

Wang Xue "his," said, "One million? Just to slap twice? That's too embarrassing!"

Looking at Shen Chuyun, Wang Xue said with golden light in his eyes: " Let's see. Look, rich woman? Even you, wouldn't you be such a prodigal? Is there such an arrogant rich man in Wucheng?"

Shen Chuyun shook his head.

Because her father is the richest man in Wucheng, she knows all the rich and powerful people in Wucheng.

I have never seen arrogant ones.

Chen Ling also tweeted: "We don't understand the brain circuits of the rich."

Wang Xuechao Shen Chuyun stubbornly said: "Don't make generalizations, okay? Do you think the rich woman would be like this?" After a

pause, Wang Xue couldn't help but excitement: "Let's go up and take a look? Or can the rich woman meet? At that time, I will introduce you to the planes!"

Shen Chuyun didn't want to go.

What rich man has she never seen?

After seeing it later, I guess it is inevitable to ask a place to eat a meal or eat the other party's meal.

She is not willing to eat with other people today, just wants to stay quietly with Wang Xue and Chen Ling for a while.

However, facing Wang Xue and Chen Ling's expectant gaze, Shen Chuyun secretly sighed and said: "Then go and check it out!" It

was there as soon as they called, and it was not too cold for others' interest.

Then he said to the front desk: "You clear the table first, after you clear the table, first serve the dishes that I used to eat before, and I will come later." The

front desk hurriedly smiled and said, "Yes, Boss Shen!"

Shen Chuyun was quilted. Wang Xue hugged her arms and almost dragged her to the second-floor stairs.

As soon as the third girl went up to the second floor, other guests who were watching the excitement noticed.

"Shen Chuyun!"

"Wow, I can see Shen Chuyun today


"It's beautiful!" "What kind of shit luck did you step on today? I can meet Shen Chuyun here!"

Shen Chuyun sighed.

Although she often has to face this situation, she dislikes this situation.

However, she still maintained a formulaic smile.

Other guests gave way to avoid blocking her way.

Facing the young man with a horse face, Li Ranging, who was angry but helpless, suddenly saw Shen Chuyun coming over and was overjoyed.

There is a solution!

As the son of the director of the Wucheng Economic Development Zone, he had two opportunities to attend two high-end parties with his father, met Shen Chuyun twice, and toasted her twice.

No matter whether Shen Chuyun relied on her fame or her father's influence, everyone in Wucheng knew everything.

He can conclude that as long as Shen Chuyun comes forward, even this million won't help him!

The most critical problem is that this one who took out one million arrogant hanging silk, no matter how arrogant he is, can't reach Shen Chuyun.

I will use Shen Chuyun to humiliate him later!

Today, I dare to make myself so shameless and faceless!

Thinking of this, Li Rangfeng hurried up to greet him, with a humble expression on his face and said: "What a coincidence, Boss Shen!" The

the crowd stepped away again.

They even knew each other!

Have a good show!

When Ma Lian Youth saw Shen Chuyun, his face suddenly changed.

Shen Chuyun's reputation and background are too great.

The bosses above emphasized, again and again, don't provoke her!

This Feng's brother knows her again?

Later, she said, still dare to take this million?

When Shen Chuyun saw Li Rangfeng coming up to say hello quickly, he had to respond.

She remembers all the famous government officials, second-generation officials, and wealthy people.

In front of this, the only son of Li Qing, the director of the Economic Development Zone, is a somewhat capable person in the second generation of officials. He has started a small company and has some benefits.

Shen Chuyun will respond.

Suddenly, her gaze noticed the side of the seat at the window.

There, Su Yu also looked at her in surprise.

Shen Chuyun: "..."

Wang Xue beside him also noticed, and hurriedly reminded him in a low voice: "It's Su Yu! You two are in a tacit understanding!" The

fat man also noticed, and hurriedly kicked under the table with his feet. Su Yu.

Su Yu said with no anger: "I saw it, what anxious!"

Li Rangfeng didn't notice Shen Chuyun's strangeness, and still greeted him: "Boss Shen, it's a coincidence today! It's hard to come across, I must ask you today. Have a meal!"

Shen Chuyun originally wanted to say hello to Li Rangfeng casually.

But at this moment, seeing Su Yu glanced at her, he lowered his head to eat, as if deliberately taking her seriously, Shen Chuyun suppressed his anger in his heart, bypassed Li Rangfeng, and stopped at Su Yu's table amidst everyone's stunned eyes. Calm face said: "What do you mean?"