Chapter 008 Opening a Mobile Game Company!

The fat man saw that Shen Chuyun's three daughters left, and said to Su Yu hurriedly, "Why are you still stunned? Chasing it! Listening to what Shen Chuyun said just now, it is interesting to you!"

Su Yu said angrily: "Chasing you! Sit down! , Eat!" The

the fat man looked at Su Yu speechlessly.

The next moment, while he ran out, he said: "I'll hold people back for you, come out quickly, I'll wait for you!"

Su Yu also wanted to stop the fat man.

But watching his figure running wildly, Su Yu shook his head.

have to!

It seems that today's meal can't be finished.

Picking up the bank card from the table, Su Yu didn't even bother to look at Ma Lian Qingnian and Li Ranging and left directly.

Walked downstairs, settled the bill at the front desk, and Su Yu left directly.

Outside, the fat man stood alone on the side of the road.

A black car drove away.

Seeing Su Yu coming out, the fat man reproached: "You just came out! People are gone!"

Su Yu said: "We are going back."

Seeing that he is still calm and calm, the fat man said depressed: "Do you regret it? "

Su Yu said seriously: "I don't regret it!"

Stopping a small car, Su Yu said: "Go to my residence, I will tell you something." The

the fat man said "Oh".

The two took a taxi to a villa complex.

The fat man looked around and said, "Is this villa bought with Shen Chuyun's money? The property management fee is very expensive. If you divorced Shen Chuyun, you can't afford it. You graduated a year from college. Most of you haven't gone out to work, and you can't adapt to this society."

"Now there are too many college graduates, and you can kick out a large area with your feet. People like us who don't have any specialties can only enter the factory. Take three or four thousand."

"It is enough for you to pay the property management fee and eat a few meals."

"You have been used to a good life these few years, can you eat it well? I said you have a good talk with Shen Chuyun, I Seeing her attitude today, it's not that she has no feelings for

you— " Su Yu interrupted the chattering him: "Okay! You don't have to worry about my business." The

two entered a villa, and Su Yu gave Cai Fatty. After pouring a cup of herbal tea, he said: "That's it, Fatty, I want to know, if you have money, what do you want to do?"

Fatty became sluggish, and immediately came back to his senses and said, "Just leave me alone! You! I am a mud bodhisattva who crosses the river and cares about me! I know that Shen Chuyun gave you a lot of money before, and you can get divorced later. You have no financial resources. You have to save some money now. In my situation, there is no RV, wife No, don't blame me for not being able to help you at that time—"

Su Yu said solemnly: "Why are you so much nonsense? I just ask you, if you have money, what would you do! Who said he would give you money? Are you dreaming!" The

fat man chuckled and said: "Well if I have money, I must resign first! Then, I want to start a company, the kind of mobile game."

Su Yu curiously asked. "Mobile game company? Are you sure? Do you know this?"

Su Yu's memory shows that Fatty went to a part-time job to earn money and attended a game development training class when he was in college. He also bought a computer and downloaded various video screens for learning.

However, when I went to the company to apply for a job, they were all rejected.

Presumably, the ability is insufficient.

The fat man sneered: "You look down on me! I tell you, I often go to various forums, I learned this by myself, and I also met several hobbyists in this area!"

Su Yu asked, "Then why No company in this area wants you?"

Fatty's face suddenly became extremely ugly and said: "This, this, we have no experience and insufficient ability!"

Su Yu said again: "Then suppose you have money, but you have the insufficient ability, you How to start a mobile game company?" The

the fat man was speechless.

Seeing the appearance of Fatty, Su Yu secretly shook his head.

have to.

Anyway, I have too much money to spend, so I gave him ten million to toss him, as a reward for his staying with him.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Su Yu said: "That's it, Fatty Cai, I also want to start a business recently, and I want to start a mobile game company."

Fatty suddenly beamed his eyes and looked at Su Yu and said, "Have you registered the company? Have a business plan? No? How many people are there now?"

Su Yu said, "I just want to do this! But I lack helpers. So, what? You come and help me. I will pay you a salary of 20,000 a month in the early stage, and the company will benefit from it later. I

'll pay you dividends." The fat man's eyes suddenly darkened: "I said, you should worry about yourself first! You are going to divorce Shen Chuyun soon, and then--"

Su Yu said impatiently: "You just want to do it or not. ! If you don't do it, I will find someone else to do it! Give you a face, always thinking I think about you?" The

the fat man scratched his head and asked tentatively: "It's not because of my fate—"

Seeing Su Yu glared over, the fat man hurriedly said: "Do! I do! You said, twenty thousand a month's salary?"

Su Yu nodded and said, "Yes, twenty thousand, there is no five insurances and one housing fund. You can't eat

if you don't include it." The fat man scolded with a smile: "You stingy! You have to do it!"

Su Yu handed him the one million bank card before and said: "Here you use one million first, where does the money go, every

year— " Seeing the fat man's suspicious eyes, Su Yu changed his words quickly: "You have to list it in the financial table every day. In case you are a fat man messing up with flowers, don't blame me for sending you to the cell when that happens!"

Cai Pang held the bank card and nodded heavily, with a decisive expression on his face. Said: "Don't worry, although Cai Dingjiang is a bit poor, I will not cheat my buddies!"

Su Yu said, "Then you can sit for a while and go back and have a good rest. Let's start working tomorrow!"

Cai Dingjiang said, "Okay!"

Cai Dingjiang said. After taking a sip of herbal tea, he turned and left.

Su Yu watched Cai Dingjiang leave and shook his head.

This fat man, giving him money and even circumstance, is also convinced.

Su Yu thought of himself before crossing.

If someone like himself is willing to reach out and help, he will wake up with laughter!

This fat man, don't know how to cherish it!

Taking out a blank notebook and pen from the study, Su Yu was ready to make a detailed life plan.

Before I wrote, I heard the phone ringing.

Su Yu took the phone.

The words "Father-in-law Shen Cong" were displayed on the screen.

Su Yu shook his head.

In my memory, this cheap father-in-law, Shen Cong, did not dislike him or even humiliated him like the father-in-law in the kind of novels he had read before crossing over.

The other party only saw him once.

That was the day this body married Shen Chuyun.

That day, Shen Cong gave him a limited edition Bugatti and said he would treat Shen Chuyun well.

After that, I never met again.

During the Chinese New Year twice, Shen Cong let him and Shen Chuyun go there, but Shen Chuyun refused because the company wanted to give a high-level banquet.

This time, I didn't know what illness Shen Chuyun had committed, so he took the initiative to ask him to follow her to see Shen Cong.

Su Yu pressed the connection button and said: "Hello, I am Su Yu."