Chapter 031 As a member of the association: the poet Fang Xiaotong!

Su Yu feels that life seems to have reached its peak!

This general reward for signing in is more exciting than giving him five million!

Of course, five million can no longer excite his G-spot.

After watching "Tibetan Code" for an hour, Su Yu fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Yu put on a clean suit and leather shoes, looking like a spirited guy. After breakfast, he rushed to the Wucheng City Hall.

When we arrived, there were not many people in the city hall.

Su Yu squatted outside and continued to watch "Tibetan Code".

"Tibetan Code", "Grave Robber Notes" and "Ghost Blowing Lantern" are his three favorite novels in college.

Revisit it now, that long-lost feeling made him very obsessed.

By eight o'clock, there were more talents in the Wucheng City Hall.

Other interviewers also came.

At nine o'clock, everyone lined up outside the entrance of the interview room.

There are eight shake-screen anchors recruited this time: two anchors, two are responsible for content proofreading and review, and four are responsible for scene collection and post-processing.

The Suyu Station is in the middle position.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a city hall staff smiled and led a woman in her early twenties with an arrogant face to walk in.

There was no platoon in the company, and the two went directly to the interview room.

The crowd in line immediately flew the pot.

"Who is this? We have been in line for so long, she just went in?"

"It must be related! In our Xia country, the relationship is the hardest pass, don't you understand?"

"Nonsense, a group of ignorant people!" a young man said suddenly.

The crowd in line looked over.

Su Yu also looked over.

The expression of the young man did not match his tone.

His tone seemed to mock everyone, but his expression was a deep sadness.

Seeing everyone looking over, the young man continued, "I don't know who she is? You don't pay attention to our Xia Guo's literary circle, right?"

"In our country, Xia, everything involved in the circle, haha, is an existence that ordinary people can't afford!"

"Just now this woman is Fang Xiaotong, the daughter of Fang Tong, a famous writer in the literary circle!"

"Fang Tong?" The crowd fries the pan again.

"The great writer who exaggerated the beautiful country and slandered our country, Xia?"

"Fuck, it's the old woman!"

The young man said: "It's her daughter, isn't she? The eldest daughter of a great writer, and a great poet!"

The young man continued: "Just say that this year she published a poem that was awarded the special prize by our Xia Guo Writers Association. You must have never heard of it. I will read it to you!"

The crowd calmed down.

The young man said in an accented tone: "Poem title-I slept in!"

"I slept for a while!"

"A man is lying on the bed!"

"I touched his chest, recalling his madness yesterday."

"Look at his profile."

"I look more like a woman now!"

Everyone looked weird.

The young man sneered: "I said that some of our super famous writers commented on Xia Guo."

"Great writer Jia Xiu."

"Oh my God, there are such beautiful poems in this world! It is even comparable to the great poet Xu Zhitian a hundred years ago! Look at her vision again, how tall and beautiful! This is an article that reveals that women are the masters of the new era. Great poetry!"

"Fang Tong, the great writer."

"Although I have watched Xiaotong grow up since I was a child, although Xiaotong is my daughter, I am proud of her! She has surpassed me! I am very happy that she will lead the next generation of Xia Guo's literary circle!"

"Fang Muzi, the great poet."

"This is an extraordinary piece of writing! It is outstanding enough that I think it should be included in high school themes, let her lead the new trend of poetry! I believe that after our younger generation appreciates such beautiful poetry, we must I will love poetry even more!"

"Master Bai Qingshan."

"For Xiaotong's poems, I can't use any compliments to describe them! Don't you think some compliments can describe it? Don't you? Isn't it? No! Poems have benefited countless literati of us, and let them be named Qianshi, And Xiaotong makes his poems reach a higher level!"

The crowd fell silent.

Su Yu: "...."

Is this parallel world city so weird in this respect?

At this moment, a staff member walked out of the interview room, pointed his right finger at the young man, and said with a gloomy face: "What are you mocking here? If you don't understand it, you can leave! Do you think you are very capable? Then have you published any poems? Is it accredited by the Writers Guild? Is it accredited by great writers?"

"Why everyone can recognize Xiaotong, but no one agrees with you?"

"Before doubting others, check your problems!"

The young man shook his head and said, "I did want to come, and now I regret coming."

Talking, turned, and left.

The staff scolded: "The eyes are high and the hands are low, but I don't know how to praise!"

Pointing to Su Yu who was already at the top, the staff said, "It's your turn!"

Su Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "Sorry, I won't be interviewing anymore."

The staff rolled his eyes and said, "Hurry up! You have been blacklisted and will never be hired in the future!"

Su Yu smiled concomitantly, walked out quickly, and chased up the young man just now and said, "Wait a minute!"

The young man stopped in doubt.

Su Yu asked: "Which aspect of the job did you come to apply for?"

The young man said: "I am a late-stage work, and I can also do copywriting. In college, I just studied media. At present, I am also working as a shaking screen anchor. The results are not very good, and I just have enough food and clothing."

Su Yu smiled and said, "How about I hire you to be a shake-screen anchor?"

"You?" the young man frowned, "I'm doing it myself!"

Su Yu said: "The problem is, the effect of your work is not so good! Have you thought about why your effect is not so good? There may be problems with direction, creativity, and content."

"You help me do it, I provide you with content and creativity, build a team, and pay you a salary."

"It's better than just mixing food and clothing, right?"

The young man was silent for a while and said, "You let me go back and think about it."

Su Yu said: "You remember my phone number, think about it, call me and tell me."

The young man took Su Yu's phone number, and then asked, "What do you do?"

Su Yudao: "In the early days, I read online novels. In the middle period, there will be some cosplay, and in the later period, it may be original film and television clips."

The young man said: "Online novels? A lot of anchors are doing it now! In this area, those who have great voices, especially beautiful women, will be more effective when you find them. Now it is the world of beauty that travels all over the world, beautiful women. Toss a wink and twist your waist can attract a large number of fans."

Su Yu smiled and said: "I use an original novel, my own. When I go back, I will pass you a part of the novel chapters, and you will evaluate it after you read it."

The young man said: "Let's go! My name is Han Qing, what do you call your brother?"

Su Yu said: "Su Yu."

Han Qing waved his hand and said, "I will give you news these two days."