Chapter 39 Shen Cong's Thanks!

Shen Cong laughed when Su Yu said this, "Is there time now? If it's okay, let's meet?"

Su Yu said: "It's nothing."

Shen Cong said: "Then come here!"

Su Yu responded, hung up the phone, and drove over.

He rushed to Shen Cong's villa and handed the car to a maid before Su Yu walked in.

In the hall, Shen Cong and the veterans who had their birthdays were playing chess.

Seeing Su Yu coming in, Shen Cong greeted him to come in and sit down.

Next to Shen Cong, Fang Qin was wearing a hip skirt, watching him play chess.

Su Yu sat on a separate side.

Fang Qin glanced at Su Yu and said to Shen Cong: "Chairman, Mr. Su Yu is a very talented person. Today, it was posted on the Internet, and his temporary essay called "Back View" was praised as a textbook by many people. Woolen cloth!"

"Also, he can also play the piano, compose and sing. Today he plays and sings "The Love of a Lifetime", which is now going viral on the Internet."

Su Yu was a little embarrassed and said: "I'm overwhelmed."

Shen Cong looked up at Su Yu and sighed secretly.

The more he looked at his former son-in-law, the more pleasing he was.

He has been wondering the past few days since his daughter chose to marry him, how could he not feel at all for him?

Is he getting old?

Don't understand young people's view of marriage?

Chong Suyu squeezed a smile, and Shen Cong said, "Actually, I called you today for nothing else. Before at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, you saved Yunyun empty-handed, and I would like to thank you. If not, You, Yunyun may have something wrong."

"Yunyun is my only daughter. She is more important than my life. You saved her and moved me more than you saved me."

Su Yu said: "It's other people, I will save it too."

Shen Cong said: "Forget it, I don't want to mix things up between you anymore. Let's talk about other things, are you now starting your own company?"

Su Yu said: "Well, I have this idea."

Shen Cong said: "Then do you have any plans? Have you investigated before starting the company?"

Su Yu said: "No, so, I just start learning now."

Shen Cong said, "You are inferior to Yunyun on this point. You have to start a company before you start a company. You can only do some necessary work now. It is too late."

Su Yu originally wanted to say that I just did it for fun. As for the effect, I didn't care.

However, Shen Cong looked at Fang Qin and said, "Shen Hao and the others put it down. Let his team go to Su Yu to help for a while. To what extent they can do it will be a test for them by the board of directors. If his company can gain a firm foothold within three years, even if it is qualified, I will pass his plan."

Su Yu: "...This, it's not necessary, I—"

Shen Cong said: "Don't be anxious to refuse. Starting a business is not easy."

"When I started my business, there was no one to help, so I took a lot of detours."

"Looking back now and thinking about it, I often think about it. If I had an honorable person to help me at that time, I would not stop there."

"In those years, to start a business, I lost a lot of things. Thinking about it now, it's not worth it."

Su Yu frowned and said: "I know your kindness, but I can't pay off this kindness."

Shen Cong smiled and said: "I just said that you saved Yunyun, which touches me more than you saved me. These are regarded as thank you for repaying you. For someone else, I will probably give away one or two billion. But now you should not be such a person short of money."

Su Yuqiang smiled: "Forget it!"

Shen Cong said again: "Don't be burdened with thinking. Of course, if you think Shen Hao and his team are getting in the way, you call Qin'er and I will let them come back."

Su Yu took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed to Shen Cong: "Thank you, Mr. Shen, then!"

Shen Cong said again: "How many times has Yunyun been looking for you recently?"

Su Yu nodded and said, "I have been to me several times."

Shen Cong said, "Yunyun wouldn't be like this before."

Su Yu was silent for a moment and said: "It's hard to get over the water, I'm already starting a new relationship now."

Shen Cong frowned slightly and said: "I always feel that what I once owned is the best. Because I understand each other, I will avoid the mistakes I made in the future."

Raising the chess piece in his hand, Shen Cong said: "For example, this chess piece, I have used it for 35 years. It was given to me when my wife and I were in love. Over the years, I have seen many new chess pieces and I have been tempted. I bought it too. But it's not as comfortable as this pair of chess pieces."

"Yunyun has learned the lesson now, and I will cherish it in the future."

"You have also become interested in company management. If you are my son-in-law, I will teach you patiently."

"I'm not young anymore, I have a sixtieth birthday, and my brain is not as flexible as it is already."

"You and Yunyun can pick up my mantle."

"In the future, my things will belong to both of you."

"With so many talents in business, I believe you can create your empire."

Upon seeing this, Fang Qin pulled out a document from the folder he was holding, and placed it in front of Su Yu, saying, "This is all the assets under the chairman's——"

Su Yu shook his head.

Fang Qin looked at Su Yu in shock.

Is this man crazy?

What a fortune!

Shen Cong said: "I've never been so low-pitched to beg for help. To be honest, if it weren't for me to think you're pretty good, Yunyun does have feelings for you--"

Su Yu said, "I know, but that's for your old man. For me, I have enough money now, and a little more, or a lot more, it doesn't make a big difference. As for Shen Chuyun, it's not that he looks good or makes money. It's a universal pass."

Standing up, Su Yu said, "Mr. Shen, if you have nothing else, I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Shen Cong turned around and left without waiting for Shen Cong to agree.

Upon seeing this, Fang Qin whispered: "Chairman, then Shen Hao's team——"

Shen Cong raised his head and glanced at Fang Qin displeasedly and said, "Go on! Why, did you follow me the first day? Be honest, don't understand?"

Fang Qin said, "I was wrong, chairman."

One of the old people said: "Xiao Cong, things about children and grandchildren, let children and grandchildren worry about. Your daughter's temperament also needs to be polished. In this life, whether you are busy to live or because you are busy for the sake of being busy, you need to find out. Yes. Your daughter's child didn't understand this, and it's good to let her eat a bite and grow her wisdom."

Shen Cong laughed and said: "The old squad leader said yes, I am too familiar. Play chess, continue to play chess, don't worry about that thing!"

Fang Qin retreated quietly.