Chapter 41 The powerful role of charm value?

Su Yu watched Sun Xinlei jump to the seat and sit down, smiling and shaking his head.

Sun Xinlei!

In this way, how can there be the slightest look of a goddess?

If this is for others to see, do you wonder if you will doubt life?

Leaving Sun Xinlei's office area, Su Yu sent a message to Shen Hao, and the two agreed to meet at a coffee shop called Shangdao Crystal in the city center.

After this, Su Yu sent a message to Han Qing and asked him to rush over.

When he arrived in the car, Han Qing had already arrived early.

When the two met, Han Qing danced with excitement: "Boss, that "Tibetan Code" is so beautiful! Did you write it? Why can you write such a beautiful novel? If you launch a website, it will be popular. what!"

Su Yu said: "I don't lack that little money. Moreover, since this novel is so good-looking, wouldn't it be better to post it on a short video?"

Han Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then slapped his chin and said, "Yes! That's right! As long as it is drained, it must be good! But this novel is not enough! If possible, it is better to alternate between two or three novels. Come! Then, recruit people with some dynamic pictures!"

"Look for an experienced team like this."

Su Yu said: "There will be soon!"

The two entered the crystal on the island.

As soon as I entered, I saw someone standing up at the window and beckoning to him: "Mr. Su Yu, here!"

Su Yu took Han Qing and walked over.

It was a young woman who greeted him.

A few people were sitting beside the young woman.

One of them was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with short hair and ears, giving it a feeling of Takeshi Kaneshiro.

However, he was flipping through the magazine and his face was cold.

When several people saw Su Yu, they were all busy, and they didn't seem to put Su Yu in their eyes.

Han Qing felt a little uncomfortable.

Just about to speak, I saw the young woman introduce them one by one.

The man who felt like Takeshi Kaneshiro was Shen Hao, the principal of their team.

The young woman is named Tang Yingying, who is the sales manager of this team.

After seeing Tang Yingying's introduction, Shen Hao put down the magazine and looked at Su Yu, and said, "Mr. Su Yu, have you brought the money?"

Su Yu took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Shen Hao: "There are 200 million funds here temporarily, you use it first. If it is not enough, you can ask me for it."

Shen Hao was originally bad for Su Yu's senses.

As a result, he originally wanted to work under the banner of Shen Cong.

Secondly, Su Yu wanted to start a company but had no plans.

He dislikes people who start a company without a plan at all.

To him, this is the second generation of rich dudes who have more money.

They do not need to work hard, they have mastered the wealth of others for a lifetime, several lifetimes.

However, when Su Yu handed over the bank card and spoke, his heartbeat inexplicably.

Don't know why he suddenly felt that the man in front of him was speaking very nicely!

Shen Hao was taken aback for a moment before he took the bank card and said, "Continue with yesterday's question. There are many types of entertainment companies. What kind of content do you want to do? The same is true for short-vision companies. Do you plan to do anything?"

Su Yu pondered for a moment, and then said: "As for the entertainment company, I want to recruit some young men and women, as well as some old drama bones, and shoot some self-made scripts."

"In terms of short videos, I want to just start to do novel drainage, and then do some cosplay. When the short video account has traffic, I want to connect it with entertainment companies and drain each other."

Called Duan Qirui, the middle-aged man in charge of the operation said coldly, "I'll be honest, Mr. Su Yu, are you using the money for squandering? An entertainment company is looking for young men and women and old drama players. What's the use? Now is the age of traffic, there are no big stars, it's useless to want some handsome men and women to be popular! Or say—"

Duan Qirui mocked: "Mr. Su Yu wants unspoken rules? IMHO, what kind of beauties you want to play with 200 million yuan can be changed at any time, there is no need to get rid of it."

Su Yu said: "I give them money, you just need to do it! Even if I spend two hundred million unspoken rules, that is my interest and hobby, isn't it? You can refuse and say to Mr. Shen Cong that you can't do it anymore. I will choose a new team at that time."

Duan Qirui looked at Shen Hao and said without concealing his anger: "Speak! What do you do with such a boss?"

Shen Hao looked at Su Yu.

Looking at the other party's indifferent expression, the anger in his stomach suddenly disappeared.

Now instead of getting angry, he suddenly has an unspeakable self-confident charm.

Even when he looked at Su Yu, he felt that the other party was shining!

After wiping his eyes, Shen Hao looked at Su Yu again, and he more and more realized that although the other party was young, he had the temperament of a noble son!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say: "I think Mr. Su Yu's words make sense. He didn't force us to do it, and he paid the money very happily. What is the goal of our team? Isn't it just to find someone who can let us do it? Isn't he the boss? He doesn't restrain us, he just puts forward his own goal, which is to recruit some young men and women and old actors, and want to dedicate himself to the entertainment industry, what a lofty dream!"

The surrounding quieted strangely.

Duan Qirui, Tang Yingying, and others looked at Shen Hao in amazement.

What does this mean?

When he contacted himself yesterday, he complained about how unreliable this future boss is!

Today, he was able to say this kind of "dog licking"!

Su Yu also looked at Shen Hao weirdly.

This is a bit different from the person who was talking on the phone yesterday!

Could it be that this is the role played by the charm value again?

Seeing everyone looking at him, Shen Hao sat up a bit, pointing to himself, and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Shen Hao: "..."

Tang Yingying whispered: "Shen Hao, didn't you say you wanted to embarrass him yesterday? This kind of boss needs to beat and beat!"

Shen Hao asked back: "I did say that yesterday. But after I saw him today, I found that he is a very reliable person. So, shouldn't the plan change? Such a good-speaking and confident boss, Why should we beat?"

Duan Qirui frowned.

Has Shen Hao's brain gone wrong today?

It seems that I can't count on him.

Duan Qirui looked at Su Yu and said, "Don't talk about the others, just choose this one. Even if you are looking for young men and women and old drama players, you have to find a few traffic stars to attract traffic. Otherwise, this entertainment company cannot be opened. Got up."

Su Yu said: "You can be responsible for this. Tell me how much money is needed at that time. I will approve it if I think it is reasonable."

Upon seeing this, Shen Hao said: "Then it will be fine! We all have a drink and then sign the contract!"

After speaking, he took out a thick contract and handed it to Su Yu said: "This is our team's contract, you can take a look."

Reaching out his hand, Shen Hao said, "I hope you will give us a chance and we will not let you down."

Su Yu: " problem. It was introduced by Mr. Shen Cong anyway, I am still very relieved of you."

Shen Hao smiled at Su Yu and said, "I think so too. I hope we can cooperate happily in the future!"