Chapter 45 You come to my company, I play with you?

As soon as Su Yu walked to the elevator entrance, he heard Sun Xinlei's cry.

Su Yu stopped.

I saw Sun Xinlei run up, grab his hand, and say with a smile: "I'm going with you! How about it, is my girlfriend caring?"

Su Yu looked at Sun Xinlei with his head up, a look of praise on his face, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Or she is affected by her charm value so that she loves herself so much.

But, what else can she pray for?

Don't you want to find a woman who can live life?

She can even give up such a high-paying job for herself.

Can I ask for more?

Give her and give yourself a chance.

Sun Xinlei smiled, Su Yu said: "Very intimate!"

When the two walked into the elevator, Sun Xinlei looked dissatisfied and said: "Then you have nothing to say?"

Su Yu looked around, his eyes fell on the camera, and said embarrassingly: "Then what, it's not convenient here."

Sun Xinlei moved closer to him, and whispered: "Then I will live with you tonight, you said."

Su Yu looked down at Sun Xinlei and said with a weird look: "Are you sure?"

Sun Xinlei joked: "Don't you dare!"

Su Yu shook his head.

This is challenging one's limits.

With an arm around Sun Xinlei's waist, Su Yu kissed them directly.

Sun Xinlei flushed, and hurriedly pushed Su Yu away: "You are crazy! There is a camera here!"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Who wouldn't dare?"

Sun Xinlei took a look at Su Yu, then hugged Su Yu's arm again and hummed a little tune.

When the two got out of the elevator, they were about to go out.

Suddenly, Su Yu's eyes fell not far from the entrance of the hall. A young girl was holding a bunch of flowers and looking inside the hall nervously.

The two security guards stared at the girl preventing her from entering.

Upon seeing this, Su Yu urged the space storage ring and directly collected all the flowers in the girl's hand.

The girl was looking nervous inside.

Suddenly the flower basket was empty.

She was so stupid, her eyes were red, and she almost cried.

I looked around, but no one had flowers in his hands!

The flowers in this hand disappeared out of thin air, how to explain this time?

Su Yu took Sun Xinlei over, put a few hundred yuan bills in her flower basket in the girl's blank eyes, and said, "Your flower money."

The girl looked at Su Yu suspiciously.

There are no flowers at all.

Su Yu took Sun Xinlei to the car.

At the moment Sun Xinlei opened the driver's door, Su Yu held the door and bowed solemnly and said, "Ms. Sun Xinlei, can you be my girlfriend?"

After speaking, his right hand shook, and a large bunch of flowers appeared strangely in his hand.

The girls not far away were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Where are his flowers hidden?

Is this magic?

Aren't magic tricks for blindness?

It needs to be trusted.

But where is his support?

Sun Xinlei covered her mouth and said with surprise: "How did you do it? Where did you get the flowers?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "You answer my question first, will you be my girlfriend?"

Sun Xinlei hurriedly took the flowers, jumped onto Su Yu's body, clamped Su Yu's waist with both feet, wrapped his arms around his neck, and kissed his face heavily, "Does this still need to be said? Of course, I am Happy!"

The people around looked over weirdly.

"Isn't this Sun Xinlei?"

"Vice President of Hengyang Advertising, my manager's high-cold goddess! Hiss, this goddess is so cold-hot-cold!"

Sun Xinlei was blushing, jumped off Su Yu, got into the driver's seat, smiled, and said, "Go, let's go eat!"

Su Yu nodded and sat in the passenger seat.

Sun Xinlei was very happy today while driving the car while driving the music, his head swayed following the music.

It feels a little crazy.

I can't see the appearance of the high cold goddess at all.

However, Su Yu didn't feel wrong, on the contrary, he was a little bit happy.

The two who are truly in love will show their nature unsuspectingly in front of each other.

The kind that respects each other as a guest, but there is a problem.

His gaze fell on the slender thigh under Sun Xinlei's dress, Su Yu put his hand on it.

Sun Xinlei, who was shaking her head, quickly climbed up the burning cloud on her neck, spreading to her face, and even her ears were hot.

Su Yu's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly held the steering wheel.

The car was wiping a van passing by.

Sun Xinlei's pretty face became pale again in an instant.

Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "This time it's my fault."

Sun Xinlei took a long, deep breath. This time he drove properly without talking or daring to shake his head.

The two came to the Ladies' Residence, where they met for the first time.

The service staff at the Lady's House recognized Su Yu at a glance.

During this time Su Yu has been there many times.

Of course, the most critical issue is that "The Love of a Lifetime" played by Su Yu before, really shocked everyone.

While people brought Su Yu and Sun Xinlei to the table, the manager of Ladies' Mansion made a call.

Not long after Su Yu and Sun Xinlei sat down in their seats, they saw a woman with messy hair and a dress running up.

It was Bai Wanyi, the lead singer of the previous hip-hop band!

Bai Wanyi waved her small hand and said with a smile on her face: "Can I sit and sit together?"

Su Yu looked at Sun Xinlei.

Sun Xinlei smiled.

She enjoys this feeling of being respected by the subject very much.

Chongbai Wanyi nodded, and Sun Xinlei said, "Sit down!"

Bai Wanyi sat next to Sun Xinlei, looking expectantly at Su Yu, "How did you think about the previous question?"

Su Yu was puzzled: "What's the problem?"

Bai Wanyi said: "It's just to join our band! Be the pianist and male lead singer of our band!"

Su Yu: "...I'm not too interested in this. It was a pure pleasure that day, so I just performed it casually."

Bai Wanyi's eyes widened and said: "You can perform this way casually, then if you are serious, don't you want to go against the sky?"

When with both hands, Bai Wanyi made a begging motion and said: "Please, join us!"

Su Yu said: "I'm serious, I'm not particularly interested in these——"

Su Yu suddenly thought of the entertainment company he was letting Shen Hao's team create, "How about you join my company? If you want, I can play with you when I have time, and even help you create a few songs, how about? "

Sun Xinlei smiled.

How does this trick feel a bit familiar?

Bai Wanyi was also taken aback for a moment, and said, "We have already signed a contract with the company. Isn't this great?"

Su Yu smiled and said: "Think about it. If you are willing to come, we have time to cooperate."

Bai Wanyi wondered: "What is your company's name? Who are the people? We have all the well-known entertainment companies in China. I have never heard of someone as good as you, so I shouldn't!"