Chapter 49: Words and Spiritual Techniques Play More!

Su Yu always thought he was very tolerant.

But looking at these comments, his anger was rising.

Are these people still human?

Such vicious language!

I thought of the best skill I got when I checked in last night—Keyboardman's countermeasure.

A murderous aura flashed in Su Yu's eyes.

He wanted to see what kind of existence these mean keyboard men are in reality!

Seeing Su Yu's face collapse, Chen Ling smiled and said, "Seeing those keyboard guys' speeches? No need! It's not worth it to be angry with this kind of person. When I was writing a book, many people were malicious, and just passed away with a smile. Up."

Su Yu agreed and chatted with Chen Ling for a while before hanging up.

Sun Xinlei brought two bowls of egg custard and said with a smile: "Try the egg custard I made."

Su Yu smiled and said, "It is very good to smell this scent, it must be delicious."

Sun Xinlei smiled, staring straight at Su Yu, and said, "You can eat one."

Su Yu let out an "um", then took the spoon, took a sip, and nodded, "It's delicious!"

Sun Xinlei sat next to Su Yu, raised her legs, and said proudly: "That's a must! The egg custard I made is comparable to a five-star chef!"

Su Yu said, "I will leave breakfast to you after that?"

Sun Xinlei waved her small hand: "It's a must!"

After the two had eaten, Su Yu went to the toilet and asked for five billion yuan from the system to the new bank card.

After that, he called Shen Hao and asked Shen Hao to call out the team, meet Sun Xinlei, and help Sun Xinlei build an advertising-related company together.

Unfortunately, Shen Hao had several client invitations today. One was to invite a professional team to create a short video company; the other was to invite local officials to quickly obtain various certificates for the company.

Su Yu and Shen Hao made an appointment to meet tomorrow, worrying about where to take Sun Xinlei to play. Sun Xinlei's mother heard that Sun Xinlei had resigned, so she called and asked her to go home immediately.

Su Yu handed the bank card to Sun Xinlei, and then took a taxi back to where Sun Xinlei went to work before, ready to drive the car back.

Sitting in the taxi, he suddenly remembered the keyboard man's countermeasures in the morning, and he immediately became energetic.

Turning to the Tieba comments I saw today, my eyes fell on the last comment I saw, that is, the person who went to "love his art and spend a dollar on the barrage".

The ID of the other party is called a prison inmate.

Su Yu said in his mind: "System, how do you use Keyboard Man to counteract this Keyboard Man?"

The system said: "The host can say anything you want to do to this ID, and the system will turn it into a spiritual spell to cast on the target. Warning, every time you cast a spiritual spell, you need to consume mental power. The mental power is consumed too much, I will envy tiredness and even coma."

Su Yu said in his mind: "Investigate his identity and life experience!"

Su Yu suddenly had an ID card in his mind: Zhang Bo, 21 years old, a native of Wucheng.

In the photo is a man with a pointed mouth and a beard.

Ten seconds after the ID card appeared, a picture appeared in Su Yu's mind.

At the age of ten, the female classmate's trousers were slapped and slapped by the female classmate's father.

Thirteen years old, second grade, dare not go to the toilet at night, shit at the toilet door, and slandered another classmate.

At the age of seventeen, he failed the college entrance examination. He repeated his studies. He fancied the girls in the front row. They always pulled people's hair. The girls couldn't bear it. He quarreled with him. He scolded the girls to dress up with such a personality. After being warned by the school, he refused to repent and put dead rats in the schoolbags of the girls.

At the age of 18, he failed again in the college entrance examination and was admitted to Wucheng Vocational and Technical College with a score of 232.

At the age of 21, shortly after this year, he was caught cheating in his junior year and CET-4 and stayed in school for one year.

My family has a small amount of money, and my uncle is a contractor for a construction site in Wucheng.

I usually either play games or go to other schools to see beautiful women, and even candidly take pictures of beautiful women's skirts.

Frequent absenteeism, copy the exam with classmates.

Seeing these life experiences, Su Yu laughed blankly.

It is the keyboard man.

Such inferior marks make him pretend to be a good man on the Internet.

Look at the speeches, "Is it at this level? Does your mother know? If I were you, I would not dare to go out." "The two fools next to me are better than him! Tsk tsk, if I am like him, I You have to wear a mask to go out" "Very poisonous! Such rubbish is considered a work", every paragraph is like killing his mother!

Su Yu said: "Forced to let him come to me!"

The system said: "Because the target is too far away from the host, the target can only be forced to go to Metro Line 1 before ten o'clock."

Su Yu took a look at the time, there is still an hour and a half, that's enough!

Su Yu rushed to the company where Sun Xinlei worked before, drove his car to Wucheng Metro Line 1, and waited inside.

When it was nine and forty o'clock, I saw Zhang Bo rushing over.

Zhang Bo is in a good mood today.

Yesterday, I sprayed a rich second-generation who looks about his size on the post-bar?

It should be the rich second generation.

The rich second generation was praised to heaven.

They don't have any reputation, and they are praised as music masters and international talents.

Haha, a second-generation Shabifu is not just having a better life than oneself.

If I give birth to him like that, he is a thousand times better than him, ten thousand times better!

It is estimated that the rich second generation will vomit blood when they see his message, right?


It's best to be angry!

Such a good mood made him want to go out and buy some food to celebrate.

However, when he arrived at the supermarket, he suddenly thought that it would be better to take the subway and walk a little farther.

Maybe you can see beautiful women on the subway!

Hehehe, women nowadays are idiots with no eyes.

They can't see a good man like themselves, they lick the rich second generation every day!

It would be great if you could be as aggressive as the man in the novel, soak when you see a woman, and fight when you see it!

It is best to have a high-cold president who does not marry himself!

As he rushed to Metro Line 1 in the elevator, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Sure enough, it's time to come out today!

He saw a schoolgirl who was very pure and beautiful!

Why do you know that it is a student girl?

He watched too much!

Licking the corner of his mouth, Zhang Bo quickly walked over, stopped next to him, and smiled: "Hello, take the car too? Where do you go?"

The girl looked at the guy next to her with some irritation, and her hair was a little greasy, she smirked and moved a few steps to the side.

Zhang Bo leaned over again, licking his face, and smiled: "Is the beauty a student at the Normal University?"

The girl shook her head and said, "I'm from science and engineering."

Zhang Bo saw the girls talking, and said excitedly: "Science? Science and engineering is a secondary school, where there are many boys and girls, and you are beautiful. You can rank up to the school flower level!"

No girl doesn't like to praise.

But the boy around him is a bit awkward.

The girl moved another half step to the side and stepped on Su Yu's shoes.

The girl hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Su Yu glanced at Zhang Bo with a smile, and said, "It's okay."