Chapter 054 This is a person who can't support the wall with mud!

Hearing Yang Shuo's excitement on the phone, Su Yu's face showed an aunt-like smile.

What is waiting for is your reaction!

Su Yu said, "It's not a great god, it's me. I wrote some novels before, but they haven't been published. This time I was mad at the magic dance demon, so I want to set up a website that provides high-quality services for online novel authors."

"I want everyone to know that online novel authors are not ignorant people. On the contrary, the wisdom in their minds is no worse than anyone. Their time and youth are worth taking seriously."

"I want to add more high-quality authors to online novels!"

Yang Shuo was silent for a moment before saying: "I have always told my team that there are too many talented authors who have not been discovered. They did not come out because of the harsh environment of online novels. Therefore, I created this fantasy. Zhixiang, I hope to help me as much as I can to help these authors."

"Now funding is indeed experiencing problems."

"I am not a wealthy person. I have been working in a newspaper before. Ninety percent of my salary has been paid in these years. I even mortgaged my house."

"If you want to acquire, I can sell the company to you."

"For like-minded friends, I am willing to work hard with them."

"But, I want to know your thoughts on the future of this company, and the management team must still be me and my team."

Su Yu said: "Can you see me now? I can say what I think now!"

Yang Shuo said: "Address?"

Su Yu said: "Lady's Residence, I'll treat you."

Yang Shuo just hung up the phone.

After summoning the two editors in chief and several editors in charge of Genso Town, Yang Shuo reiterated his idea of ​​selling the website to Su Yu.

"Not!" Li Qiu, the editor-in-chief of the male frequency, shouted in a deep voice.

The female audio editor Cai Yu echoed: "Boss, someone who can write a good novel does not mean that he can do a good company. These are two completely different fields. Moreover, he is Shen Cong's former son-in-law. He is rich and does not Fake, but it's hard for me to imagine what real management talents a person who eats soft food has."

After a pause, Caiyu sneered, "Who is Shen Cong? That is our richest man in Wucheng! In Wucheng, if he is second in the eyes of people, no one dares to say first."

"Look at his daughter Shen Chuyun, the president of Jinyun Games, who built such a giant Jinyun Games at a young age."

"Shen Chuyun inherited Shen Cong's business and management skills."

"Their father and daughter divorced Su Yu so resolutely not long ago, and they haven't even heard of Su Yu's division of property. What does this show?"

Caiyu knocked on the desk and said, "They are not optimistic about Su Yu at all!"

"With the shrewdness of their father and daughter, if Su Yu is a talent, would they abandon him?"

"You know how big the negative impact of divorce is, right? Especially rich people like Shen Cong and Shen Chuyun."

"They are willing to divorce with this risk, which is enough to show that Su Yu is a person who can't support the wall with mud!"

"One more thing, Shen Cong has only one offspring of Shen Chuyun, but he is responsible for so many companies. But if Su Yu is a slightly capable person, they will let him go?"

"Also, I just checked the information. Su Yu and Shen Chuyun have been married for three years and have been at home. Neither Shen Cong nor Shen Chuyun's company has any information about him. What does it mean?"

"For three years, Shen Cong and Shen Chuyun will not let him get involved in the company's affairs, not even a small position! How bad is Su Yu's ability to make Shen Cong and Shen Chuyun's father and daughter like this? Unfeeling?"

Several editors in charge agreed with Caiyu's analysis.

Li Qiuyu, the editor-in-chief of the male channel, said to Yang Shuo earnestly: "Boss, don't be fooled by him! The scene where he scolded the phoenix dance demon girl today moved me. Even the song "Haiyan" he made on the spot, I think it is very Talented. However, he is only suitable for being a talented author, not for managing a company."

"Sell the company to him and your efforts will be wasted."

"Why do we follow you? That's because we believe that you, like us, are passionate about online novels and want to improve the environment of online novels and attract more talented people."

"But now you are going to sell the company to someone who has no ability."

Li Qiu said with a sad face: "Then I can only quit. I Li Qiu wants a high salary. It doesn't matter which website I go to. I don't have to go with an incompetent person!"

Female audio editor Cai Yu stood up and said, "I have the same opinion. I don't agree to sell the company to him. If you are desperate, then I will resign!"

Other editors in charge also left.

Yang Shuo touched his bald head, his expression irritable.

After a long time, he stood up, knocked on the table, and said: "The sale of the company has been temporarily set aside. You come with me to meet him, is this okay? You saw the two beginnings he gave me, Very interesting. It doesn't work, we dug him into our website. This kind of person, I believe, will be the backbone of our website in the future."

Male frequency editor Li Qiu said: "This is feasible. When will we start?"

Yang Shuo said, "Let me ask him first."

Yang Shuo sent a text message to Su Yu asking for a specific meeting time.

Su Yu asked him to meet at seven o'clock in the evening.

After that, Su Yu wrote down on paper the operating rules of the previous large website.

Before the crossing, this big website was also a small website at first, and it was weak before the old one.

But just with these rules and the protection of several great gods, it has become a hurricane sweeping online novels, destroying ancient city walls, and ushering in a new era.

However, later they drove the car back again, and free novels were revived.

On the whole, it is quite sad.

Probably, this is the sorrow of the dragon slayer finally turning into an evil dragon.

This time, he will change this tragedy!

After writing various rules, Su Yu copied the full version of "The Tomb of the Gods" and "The Notes of the Tombs" to the phone.

These rules and the pillar novels that can lead the trend are indispensable.

After finishing these, Su Yu updated a chapter of "Shaking the Sky" and uploaded it.

Sure enough, the backstage came to the signing station short.

Su Yu hesitated for a while and deleted all the updated "Zhetian" from the terminal website.

The destination site is likely to be the enemy in the future.

Publishing "Zhetian" to this website is to add blockage to your website in the future, there is no need.

After deleting the novel, Su Yu got up and drove to the Ladies' Residence.

When he arrived at the ladies' quarters, the waiter hurried up and took him to the window on the second floor.

Passing a golden card to Su Yu, the waiter smiled and said, "Mr. Su Yu, this is our VIP membership card for Ladies' Residence."

Su Yu said in amazement: "I don't want to do this."

The waiter said: "This is specially opened for you by our proprietress. It is free. As long as you hold this card and you come here, no matter how busy our lady is, you can make room for yourself. Moreover, unlimited food is provided for free. And drinks."