Chapter 056 I'm fascinated by it!

Back to the window seat, Yang Shuo was going to play with the phone for a while.

I turned on the screen and found a text message from a stranger.

Su Yu clicked on it and saw a text message saying: "Hello, I am the editor in charge of Xianchengduoduo. Why did you delete the novel?"

Su Yu: "..."

Unexpectedly, the editor in charge of this terminal network will also send text messages.

Before crossing, he saw that most of the authors complained in the author forum, and the editors of slightly larger websites were very cold.

The chat software replied a few words as a gift.

I have never seen anyone who deletes a novel and sends text messages like this on the forum.

Su Yu didn't want to go fishing when others were so polite, and honestly said, "Hello, I want to post it on my friend's website."

What Su Yu didn't expect was that after a short time, Fresh Orange replied to a short channel: "Our destination website is now the largest male-frequency online novel. It's not as good as me wherever I go. Send the novel back and I will guide you to write it. , As long as you listen to me, even if this book is not popular, the next book will be popular."

Su Yu smiled awkwardly.

The content of the chapters he posted before was all from Chendong Great God's "Zhetian", but it was reorganized in his language.

It is hard for him to imagine not being hot.

Su Yu replied: "No, thank you for editing, I have already promised my friend."

Xian Orange replied: "...Forget it, just do it with you, as long as you don't regret it yourself."

Su Yu looked at the many messages from Fresh Orange and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

How do you feel threatening?

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

I saw a bald man walking over with six men and women.

The bald man glanced around, his gaze finally fell on Su Yu at the window and walked over.

Su Yu stood up.

The bald man stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Su Yu, hello, I am the boss and editor-in-chief Yang Shuo of Fantasyland."

Yang Shuo also introduced the male frequency editor Li Qiu and the female frequency editor Cai Yu.

A group of people sat down, and Yang Shuo and others only ordered a few drinks.

Yang Shuo squeezed out a smile at Su Yu and said, "I am a little embarrassed. My original intention was indeed to consider selling the company to you, but my team members have some problems."

Male audio editor Li Qiu sneered: "Boss, you are so good to talk! It is obvious that you have to make a roundabout, and you are not tired? We are not negotiation experts! We just want to do a good job in online novels. It's just an editor! Our job is very simple, and that is to manage the content of the novel. You make it so mysterious, but it's hard to beat."

Yang Shuo smiled awkwardly.

Li Qiu looked at Su Yu and said coldly: "We think you are incapable of managing the website of Fantasy Land, and we will not serve a person who is incapable of managing. However, your novel is well written. If you are interested, I hope. You can stay with us and publish."

The female audio editor Cai Yu said: "Mr. Su Yu, we are all honest people, and we don't know anything about circumstance, so I will tell the truth."

"The reason why all the editors of our fantasy land gathered in fantasy land, although it cannot be said that there is no money, after all, everyone has to eat. However, we have our dreams. However, you cannot support our dreams."

"If you give the company to you, you will know nothing except for the money, and it will even hinder our development."

"So, it's a pity."

"However, Li Qiu is right. You write a good novel. I invite you to publish it on our website."

Yang Shuo touched the top of his bald head with his right hand and stared at the table in a daze.

Su Yu shook his head and did not respond immediately. Instead, he opened "The Tomb of the Gods" and handed it to Yang Shuo: "This is the entire copy of "The Tomb of the Gods."

Everyone hurriedly stretched their heads to Yang Shuo's side.

A group of people watched.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

One hour passed.

A group of people kept changing positions but kept their eyes on the phone.

Su Yu laughed and watched the cars passing by the window.

Until the phone rang.

It was Yang Shuo's call.

Yang Shuo came back to his senses and took out his mobile phone.

The word "wife" is displayed on the screen.

Yang Shuo answered the phone and said a few times, "Hmm", "You and your son will eat first, and I'll go back in a while."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Shuo let out a "yo" and smiled awkwardly: "It's nine o'clock in the evening!"

The others also came back to their senses one after another, and said in surprise: "It's nine o'clock!"


Male Audio Editor Li Qiu said excitedly: "This novel has a big brain and is interesting! I dare say that I have never read such a beautiful novel before!"

Cai Yu, the editor-in-chief of the female video, laughed and said: "I am always picky about male-based novels, and most of the male-based novels are running accounts in my opinion. However, this "Tomb of God" has made me interested. Although there is no female frequency. It's delicate, but there is a feeling that just can't be delicate! There is a sense of majesty in the world, if the delicate writing of the female essay is applied here, it will give people a sense of pretentiousness!"

Chong Su Yu gave a thumbs up, and Cai Yu praised: "Believe me, this article is the work of a great god, and it will explode!"

Other editors were also admired.

Male audio editor Li Qiu looked expectantly at Su Yu and said, "You must publish to our website! Definitely!"

Su Yu asked back: "What is my relationship with you? Brothers? Sisters? Friends? Acquaintances? A friend's introduction? Sorry, nothing! We are just strangers."

"Moreover, you still belittle me, saying that I am an incompetent person."

"A group of strangers who don't know me, belittle me as an incompetent person and then ask me to publish a great divine article that will explode on your website. Who will give you the courage? Liang Jingru?"

Su Yu's words made Li Qiu, Caiyu, and the others are extremely ugly.

If this hadn't come before, they would turn around and leave.

However, the "Tomb of the Gods" I just watched is so fascinating! There is no doubt that this will explode!

It's too painful to just give up a text that will explode!

Moreover, they can be sure that none of their talented authors, plus themselves, can write a high-quality article like this one!

Another thing is that Genso Town has just opened, so it needs a popular cultural scene to attract readers to the website.

There is one right now!

This is killing me!

Seeing a few people with ugly faces, Su Yu hadn't wavered yet. He took his mobile phone from Yang Shuo, exited "The Tomb of God", turned to "Tomb Notes", and handed it to Yang Shuo again: "This is the full version of "Tomb Notes". ."

Yang Shuo said weirdly: "Have you finished writing both of them?"

Several people gathered their heads together again and looked at it.

Five minutes passed.

Half an hour passed by.

One hour passed.

The female video editor Cai Yu and a female editor suddenly shivered, with a look of horror, but they still stared at the phone screen.

Su Yu knew that the opportunity was coming, knocked on the table, and said, "Everyone, it's late, I'm going home."

Several people were fascinated by it.

Su Yu's sudden movement shocked them.

Especially Caiyu screamed in fright.

There is no one in the Ladies' Residence now, and it doesn't scare the others.

Su Yu grabbed the phone from Yang Shuo and waved his hand: "If you don't agree to sell it, then forget it. It's getting late, everyone, I'm going back."