Chapter 058 VIP listing fees and full attendance system!

Su Yu looked at Li Qiu's unkind eyes and smiled.

This person is a thorny head.

However, it will soon be overwhelmed.

It's like going to the Ladies' Residence before.

Of course, it was not himself who convinced him, it was the experience that he had borrowed that had been proven in another world.

Caiyu wondered: "VIP listing fee system? This, what is this thing? Can this thing work? Everyone is reading free articles, and their website is bigger than ours. They are stupid, we have to come to our small Look at the website!"

Li Qiu raised his head and glanced at Su Yu and said, "I agree with Caiyu's statement. Everyone is free, and we are still a small website. Does the reader's mind come to us to give us money?"

"The current development direction of our Fantasy Land is still publishing! Publishing is the most profitable!"

Yang Shuo handed the document to others, and then asked Su Yu: "I want to know, why did you propose a VIP fee system? Both of your novels show that you have an absolute understanding of online novels, so you should not fail. Know the main direction of major websites today."

"Under the current trend, I don't understand why you proposed this system."

Su Yudao: "The reason is that what we do is content! We specialize in the content of online novels! Moreover, it is high-quality online novel content!"

"Although there are fine-quality online novels on the market, most of them are rushing to publish."

"So, their content will inevitably be a bit serious."

"This is not the direction of online novels."

"Online novels are used to relieve people's pressure. They are used for physical and mental pleasure after a tiring day of work."

"Moreover, this place of physical and mental pleasure is very random."

"Squatting in the toilet—"

Shen Chuyun was drinking tea. Hearing this, he burst out suddenly and coughed violently.

Su Yu looked at Shen Chuyun and said, "Don't think this is vulgar! The object of online novels is ordinary people, office workers, migrant workers, not goddess like you."

Shen Chuyun flushed.

Su Yu continued to look at Yang Shuo and others and said: "Squatting in the toilet, walking, taking the subway, eating and other occasions to entertain the body and mind, this is the real purpose of online novels!"

"However, the current novels on major online platforms have deviated from the subject."

"The two novels I showed you did just that."

"It's easy to understand, easy and pleasant, and unconstrained."

"Therefore, we will seize this purpose in the future, and use this as the core to request our authors, and our content will be better than other websites!"

"We have met the needs of our readers, but other websites have not met. Who do you think readers choose?"

"As for the issue of fees, compared to publications, this VIP listing fee system costs a few cents each time for one or two chapters. At first glance, it is not unacceptable."

"There is a saying that the first person to eat crabs can make a lot of money."

"Trust me, we are the first to see through the essence of online novels, and to create content with this as the core to cater to readers, we are at the forefront of online novels."

"And this VIP system, which can make online novels make money, will attract more authors to come in, thus leading to the improvement of the online novel environment."

"Isn't this what your team is pursuing?"

"Think about it, why there are fewer high-quality online novel authors? It's not because publishing requirements are too high and making money is not easy. Anyone who is under pressure in life, they dare not get involved."

"The introduction of this VIP system means that online novel authors can also make money from the text they write! If we provide basic living security for authors after they are put on the shelves, it is the full attendance system mentioned in it. Outstanding authors, they I can't help but feel excited and want to give it a try!"

"It's a big deal. You can take a few months of hardship with basic living security for a few months. You know, it may take a few months to find a job!"

"Think about it again, Internet novels are more suitable for young people to create. If they are students, many people want to find part-time jobs and earn some extra money to help their parents relieve pressure. But it is not easy to work outside part-time? If you can work in school and sit in the dormitory, You can make money. Even if it's just full attendance, it can alleviate their great pressure in life."

Yang Shuo's eyes shrank slightly, and he said excitedly: "I haven't thought about this!"

Li Qiu also took a deep breath and said, "It seems that the recent author is getting younger and younger!"

Cai Yu said: "When I was in a magazine, I used to submit articles to middle-aged men and women with lived experience. In online novels, the proportion of young people is indeed much higher!"

Su Yudao: "This is inevitable! Because online novels pursue physical and mental pleasure, refreshment and curiosity, rather than traditional literature, which does not require the author to write so much."

"And young people, who haven't gone to high school or college now? Somewhat a little bit of writing. Coupled with stronger storytelling skills, young authors will gradually become the main body of online novels."

After a sip of tea, Su Yu said: "Think about it again. We first launched the VIP listing system to provide a full attendance guarantee. Therefore, the first batch of talented young authors who want to get a share of online novels, absolutely Will appear on our website!"

"Who do you think is the most important ingredient in online novels now?"

Li Qiu said: "Readers! Readers are the parents of online novels!"

Cai Yu said: "The website! The website provides a bridge between readers and authors!"

Su Yu waved his hand and said, "No, it's the author! What do you think is the root cause of the economy? It is the relationship between supply and demand!"

"At the beginning of the creation of online novels, it was because there was demand and readers' needs, which gave birth to online novels."

"However, with the development of online novels, demand is greater than supply, so the supply side, that is, the author, is the most important component of online novels."

"The higher the quality of the supply side, the more where the demand side will go."

"Similarly, where there are the most high-quality authors and the most high-quality works, readers will run in."


"Of course, the premise of all this is inseparable from a foundation, that is, high-quality content."

"My two novels are currently the best online novels, right? You use them as publicity, trust me, will attract more readers. Because we have more readers here, there is a fee system, you can make money, and more Multiple authors will come to us."

After Su Yu finished speaking, he let out a long sigh.

Yang Shuo, Li Qiu, Caiyu, and the other editors in charge looked at each other.

The next moment, they clapped vigorously!