Chapter 61

Su Yu laughed.

It seems that this "Immortal Warlock" has a good result!

Therefore, the editor in charge of Fresh Orange often asked him to pick him up, as if to show himself.

And the author of "The Immortal Warlock" is also floating.

However, it does understand.

It's not easy to write graded work at a young age.

Seeing that Su Yu didn't like to eat meat, she even smiled, and her face became more upset: "Xian Orange Duo Da is looking for you here. This kind of thing is very difficult to see. Generally speaking, she only invites grades, and the grades are very special. A good author is here. You posted a few chapters and then deleted them. Why did you invite me in if you don't know how big the orange is?"

Su Yu said: "Maybe, I have seen the potential of my work! The editor in charge, he is still a very qualified person."

I don't like to eat meat and sneered: "How much potential can be seen in a few chapters? Not to mention, from contact with you to the present, I can see that you have committed a big taboo that new people will commit."

Su Yu looked suspiciously at his dislike of meat.

Do not like to eat meat: "Humble and studious attitude."

"If you want to write a good work, it must be the result of studying countless fire books."

"My book is now on sale, but you don't know it. It has already explained a lot of problems."

Su Yu: "..."

There is nothing wrong with this speculation.

Unfortunately, it's just under normal circumstances.

However, this also seduces Su Yu's curiosity.

What kind of book is "The Immortal Warlock"? How hot is it? How much did it cost?

This world is mainly published, so how many books have been published? How much are the sales?

The two came to the content editor area.

More than two dozen editors are working on it.

She didn't like meat and brought Su Yu to a woman in her early thirties and said, "How big is a fresh orange, I brought you here."

Su Yu Chosun Orange stretched out his hand and said, "Hello!"

Xian Orange shook hands, then pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and walked towards an office inside: "You're Su Yu? Come in with me!"

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

I heard that the editor in charge of a large online novel company was very busy before crossing.

There was even a responsible editor who received a call from a great god asking about putting on the shelves on the night of the wedding at about midnight, and he immediately got up to do it for the great god.

It seems that this world is also like this.

Yesterday, the conflict between himself and Fenwu Demon Ji was very popular on the Internet, but the editor of Xiancheng Duo didn't seem to know, and he didn't recognize himself.

This is a good thing.

In most cases, he doesn't like being under the spotlight.

The three of them came to the office and closed the office door without eating meat.

Xian Orange pressed the remote control, and suddenly, a series of data of "Undead Warlock" was mapped on the electronic screen.

"Immortal Warlock", the author does not like meat, fantasy works, currently 1.2 million words, is serializing, 150 million views, 40 million recommended votes, more than 80,000 comments, and a total of 900,000 soft sister coins. Hang on the homepage graphic tweets of PC and APP on the terminal network. The publishing house has been contacted and 200,000 copies have been printed for the first time.

Su Yu glanced at his dislike of meat.

It's really good!

His mind became more and more excited.

Although the world of online novels is still in its infancy and has not kept up with the times, its volume is absolutely impressive!

If this is to fully tap the potential, it will be delicious!

Of course, he is no longer interested in making money.

Most importantly, he wants to change the network novel environment in this world!

At least, it has to prove that the Dance Demon Girl is rubbish!

Fresh orange saw the uncontrollable joy on Su Yu's face, and he said: "This is the energy of my destination website! Although "Immortal Warlock" is a big hit, it is not headwork. Our destination website also has a head boss. Those data will make you dumbfounded."

"Think about it, as long as you write seriously and have a good level, you can reach the level that the author of "Undead Warlock" doesn't like eating meat."

"You can only reach this level only on our terminal site."

"If I don't like meat this year, I have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is much better than many white-collar workers."

Su Yu sincerely praised: "Awesome!"

Fresh Orange said: "I asked you to come here, not to let you praise him. Your "Zhetian" has the potential of a small fire. This kind of article can only be promoted on our website under my supervision. You won't die. What's your friend's website? What's the name of your friend's website? Can it be compared to our destination website? Can I help you?"

Standing up, Fresh Orange said: "Now post the article again——"

Su Yu apologized: "I'm sorry, I really can't post this article. Thank you very much for your concern about me, and I hope to have a chance to cooperate next time."

Fresh Orange stopped, his face extremely embarrassed, and said, "Which website is your friend?"

Su Yu said: "The Land of Fantasy."

Xiancheng Duo shook his head and looked at Su Yu with a sad expression: "Tell you the truth, Su Yu."

After a pause, Fresh Orange said: "The most important thing about being a human being is to be down-to-earth! I know, you think you have friends there, so you will give you a lot of resources. However, you are too aggressive. You are just learning now. Walk, after a few chapters, you want to learn to run and get the treatment of the great god."

"Yes, a small website like Gensokyo can give you this kind of treatment, but what's the use? It's a small website. Even if you give you all the resources, your book won't be popular."

"I put my words here."

"Your book is completely ruined."

"I won't give you a second chance."

"That's how you are."

After speaking, Fresh Orange had a gloomy face and slammed out the door.

Don't like eating meat, shook his head, glanced at Su Yu sadly, and left the office.

Su Yu walked out.

Although this Xianchengduo editor speaks awkwardly, his vision is not too bad.

She refused her in this way, and she could still find herself.

This is enough to show that she values ​​"Zhetian" seriously.

When "Fantasy Land" is ready to dig someone, you can try to dig her away.

After coming out of the destination website, Su Yu drove the car and continued towards the Wucheng Film and Television City.

Wucheng Film and Television City are on the outskirts of the east of Wucheng.

The entire film and television city is like a small ancient city.

There are not only palaces, but also city walls, ordinary towns, and even villages.

At the entrance of this film and television city, there are thousands of men, women, and children standing.

One by one they eagerly looked at the inside of the studio.

From time to time, someone came out inside, shouting out what other characters are needed, and a group of people swarmed over.

The people who were taken away were all smiling.

Others were downcast.

Su Yu walked past them and went straight into the studio.

There are many crews busy in the movie studio.

Suddenly, Su Yu caught a woman who descended from the sky on the far left, looking like a fairy.

Su Yu's heart was lifted, and he walked quickly to meet him.

This is a twenty-three-four-year-old woman who looks pretty good and has a fleshy feeling.

But it's very attractive.

On the side of the crew, several dragons are also watching this scene.

Su Yu gently touched one of the young men and said, "What TV are you filming? Is this the heroine?"

The young man wore tattered armor.

Hearing Su Yu's question, he looked back and said, "We are filming "Mrs. Nalan", you don't know that? The girl you are talking about is called Jiang Ting'er, but she is not the heroine, she is just a stand-in. Really Where is the hostess!"

The young man turned to the far left, and the camera made a grumpy mouth not far away.

Su Yu looked over.

I saw a young man holding a bucket of water and pouring water into a wooden bucket.

By the side of the barrel, a woman in a thick down jacket was berating a woman next to her.

The woman kept nodding and bowing.