Chapter 66. Jiang Yun's decision!

Su Yu saw the sincerity of the hip-ha-ha band, and he asked others to come over to sign the contract, and they also came, so he was embarrassed to refuse.

So he replayed the three songs with the five members of the hip-hop band.

The melodious singing attracted many passers-by to come and watch.

The members of Shen Hao's team, Han Qing, Jiang Ting'er, and four part-time college students, including Jiang Yun, and others watched Su Yu and the hip-ha-ha band play and sing together, their eyes widened and they looked unbelievable.

He Wei, Situ Rui, and the others were flushed.

They thought that Su Yu had no ability before, but it was just because of his reputation as the former son-in-law of Shen Cong, the richest man in Wucheng.

But today, they discovered that they were very wrong.

If nothing else, just being able to keep up with the rhythm of a hip-hop band, is something that ordinary people can do?

Shen Hao's eyes looking towards Su Yu became brighter.

When he first saw him, he was amazed.

His sexual orientation is normal and he likes beautiful women.

But when he saw Su Yu for the first time, he felt that the other party was shining brightly.

Now, even more so!

This man is not what he imagined.

Jiang Ting's looked at Su Yu with starry eyes.

She has always had a bad sense of rich people.

But this time, she felt that rich people are also versatile and very gentlemen!

She is a little fortunate that she came with her!

Jiang Yun stood in the distance and looked at Su Yu.

The agent beside her smiled awkwardly and said, "Let's go back, shall we?

Jiang Yun ignored the agent.

After taking a few deep breaths and plucking up her courage, she strode up.

Su Yu just finished playing three pieces with Xi Ha Ha, and he wanted to tell the five of them that when they sign the contract, I will teach them to play "The Difficult Sutra", and in the future, "Covering the Sky" ", I used this as the theme song.

But before his words came out, Jiang Yun came over.

Su Yu frowned and said, "Why, haven't you left yet?

" Jiang Yun stopped in front of Su Yu.

The next moment, she bent down and said, "I'm sorry!"

Su Yu: "...-

what is this?

Jiang Yun bowed before saying: "I'm sorry for what you said just now. You are right, I don't know how high the sky is. Compared with Boss Su, I am a poor person. Please give me a chance, I I want to sign a contract with your company.

He Wei looked overjoyed and said hurriedly, "Boss!"

Situ Rui hurriedly held his arm and shook his head.

Situ Rui was convinced.

The boss himself is enough to be a star!

This kind of thing, or let the boss decide.

Su Yu looked at Jiang Yun and said, "I won't invite stars like Xiao Xian and He Guoliang for you. To be honest, I didn't plan to invite stars.

" "Shen Hao and the others kept saying that there must be stars to support the scene, so I invited Xi Ha Ha to come over."

" "Now that hi-haha is here, I won't invite other stars." "

"My ultimate purpose of starting this entertainment company is to provide more opportunities for more young people who want to pursue a career in acting.

"I believe that relying on my ability, I can make these young people who have acting dreams but no chance become popular.

"Of course, you may think I'm bragging, but I can say, Jiang Yun, as long as you trust me, I think I'll be sure to make you popular and make your acting career shine second.

"However, this rejuvenation of the second spring is no longer based on your appearance, but on your acting skills and an excellent script. "

"You can accept?

Jiang Yun clenched his fists tightly, nodded heavily, and said, "I am willing to trust Boss Su once, and I also want to give myself a chance."

"Su Yu looked at the two rows of young men standing outside the door, and said with a smile, "Don't need this. Our company does not have that kind of big-name, and we will rely on acting skills in the future. It is better to be more civilian. You can do it again when you are so popular again in the future!

Jiang Yun blushed and said, "I will dismiss them later when I go back."

Seeing this, Su Yu said to He Wei, "What are you waiting for? Prepare the contract!

"Hey," He Wei hurriedly gestured to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun asked his agent to do this and asked Su Yu, "I don't know what exactly you are going to do, Boss Su?

"Su Yudao:" Shoot some excellent TV or movies.

"Jiang Yun asked curiously, "Have you hired an excellent screenwriter?" Who is it? And a good director?

" Su Yu pointed to himself and said, "I'll do the scriptwriting myself!" The director's words—"

Su Yu looked at Shen Hao.

Shen Hao said last time that he knew a very good young director.

But the other party is not famous and has a very stubborn temper. He doesn't like someone pointing fingers when he is filming.

Shen Hao hurriedly said: "There is one thing about an excellent director. Although he is very young, his ability is not inferior to well-known directors. I have seen the short films he shot, which are very eye-catching. Unfortunately, he is too young and stubborn. , and no background, so it has not been a good investment.

"I've already contacted him, and he'll come over in two days."

" Jiang Yun frowned.

In other words, did not hire excellent screenwriters and directors?

But looking at Su Yu and laughing, thinking of the scene just now, Jiang Yun asked Su Yu, "I wonder if Boss Su has any script in mind now?

" Su Yu smiled and said: "There is no script, but I have a story. Let me briefly introduce to you two stories that I want to shoot in front of you!

" "One is a fantasy theme, called "The Legend of Sword and Fairy."

" "There is also a suspense theme called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

" "If I have enough time and I have enough patience, I would like to make a movie called "Kowloon Pulling the Coffin".

"Jiang Yun said in surprise: "Listening to the name, it seems good. But the specific story-"

Han Qing, who had stopped recording a short video in the distance, beckoned and said, "I have a full version of the story the boss told me - "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", do you see it? I've finished it, it's very good! I'm dubbing it right now, two chapters a day.

"Han Qing touched his nose and said proudly, "It's amazing, I'll tell you!" I played "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" and "Tibetan Password" at the same time, two chapters a day, using my account.

"I used to have a little over 10,000 fans. "

"It's only been three days since I started dubbing these two novels, and I've already grown to 50,000 followers!

" "Except for a very small number of unpleasant remarks, most of them are praises!" "

"Some people also expressed their desire to cosplay the male lead! I have had no response for the time being.

"After all, the copyright of these two books is owned by the boss. I can't speak without the permission of my boss. "

Everyone looked at Su Yu in shock and said, "You still write novels?