Jungle Area Scramble (2)

I wonder, why Gold-Platinum Rank has such a good strategy like this. Just look at them, they messed up Clara for farming. It's a good technique, making the Hyper/Jungler lose level and gold. Did they learn from YouTube? Or, are they really good players? Or maybe... there has been a Season Reset? Yeah, it could happen.

Season Reset is when upper tiers are downgraded to lower tiers. For example, Tier Glory, the highest tier, will drop to Tier Platinum 3. With a system like this, players will fight back to reach the highest tier in Rank Mode. Each of them has been rewarded with a Hero's Season Skin. Yeah, it's worth the struggle they have gone through for 1 season, which happens every 3 months.

"Did a Season Reset just happen?" I ask.

"Yeah," Livia responded. "It happened yesterday. Right now, it's likely that our enemies will be former Tier Ruby or Glory, so it's only natural that this match will be a little difficult."

Judging from their tiers, Livia, Clara, and Tamy, who were both Tier Platinum 5, their previous tier was Tier Ruby 4-2. This indicated that they were not from the Glory Tier, which was also likely that they had never experienced how difficult it was to meet such great players.

In this match, Andre's team could meet the former Glory Tier. Andre's team is Platinum, coming from Tier Livia, Clara, and Tamy. Tier Glory also drops to Tier Platinum when the Season Reset occurs. Therefore, the probability of meeting a former Glory Tier team was 70%.

"Yeah, this match was tough for you guys," I said in a low voice, staring at the television screen, looking at the mini-map.

If Clara continues to get disturbed while she farming, then there is only one way to overcome this.

"Via, move!" I shouted. "Exchange your line with Andre. You should be on the halfway line now!"

"Hah?" She was taken aback, looking at me with a confused expression. "Why should I move to Master Andre's place? I've excelled here."

I understand that she can play the Mage role well in that bottom line. I also understand that the enemy she is fighting is not as great as her. Therefore, she had to leave it all to Andre. She must help Clara to farm and fight when the enemy team starts to stir again.

Sylvia had earned enough gold to deal damage. She can kill enemies with the skills of Hero Eboy. She is capable enough to help the team, in contrast to Tamy who is always busy with the war, resulting in a shortage of gold.


"OK. Ah, what a bother, even though I'm already very comfortable here."

She seems compelled to obey me. Even so, at least what I do will help the team. She had to put aside her selfishness and put the team first.

"Thanks for understanding, Via."

That's a compliment from me to her. I have to thank her for her compulsion.

"And now, Andre..."

"Yes, Mr. Daylon?"

"You're at the bottom line now! You only need to secure the Minions and try not to get killed by the enemy Mage. That Mage has lost in gold from losing to Sylvia, so you have a bit of an advantage."

"Okay, Mr. Daylon."

"Don't worry, your sister will be roaming there later. Yeah, that was after the enemy team gave up on prying."

Livia is very busy. She tries to keep Clara from dying and stealing Buff's monsters. She becomes a Tank to protect Clara, who is the hope of damage in this early game, and also gets the Turtle Buff.

The Jungle area is currently in chaos, so Clara is a bit difficult to farm. She had to be able to reach level 4, to get the ultimate skill. If she continues to be stuck at level 2, she will find it difficult to fight over the Buff Turtle with the enemy Hyper.

Well, being the Hyper is not easy. Therefore, reading the situation is an important task to become a Hyper. Plus, you have to have a solid team to take care of you, so that things like what happened to Clara can be overcome. So, that's what teamwork is needed for, not individual strengths, abilities, skills.

I became the best Hyper because I have a great team. Even though I am proficient and can be said to be great, I still need what is called teamwork, who knows what I need and want.

"Hahaha. Feel it!" Sylvia was so proud when she fought.

With Sylvia in the centerline, the war will side with Andre's team. I understand very well that she wants to kill, kill, and continue to kill, so I put her in the centerline, which will automatically help in the war.

Until the enemy team gives up, Sylvia will continue to help her team to fight. She deals fairly fatal damage to her enemies. The hero her use is very useful for war.


Well, even though her laugh was so very annoying.

Seeing this condition, it seems that I have chosen the right way. Clara can farm with Livia guarded, Tamy who goes back and forth from the top line to the jungle area, and Sylvia who can keep getting kills and Minions in the centerline.

There is only one problem that I need to pay attention to right now. Andre is currently free from anything, including being on guard. Andre had no guard to protect him. Meanwhile, I haven't seen the enemy Hyper on the mini-map. That person had not shown himself at all.

From the Hero he uses as Hyper, who can disappear and then stab another Hero in the back, that person will aim for Andre first when the Hero he uses has acquired the ultimate skill. For this, for me, this is a problem, a problem that Andre will face.

"Andre, make sure you're not offside. Don't go too far, and don't be too eager to kill your enemy. Remember, you're fighting for gold from killing Minions, so don't focus too much on your enemies who are on the same line as you."

"Okay, Mr. Daylon."

Luckily he understood what I ordered. Andre is a very obedient student, so I was helped in teaching him this and that.

And luckily, the Hero his use is very helpful in dealing damage. The hero can kill the Minions quickly and can keep Andre safe from death because he immediately hides and is not detected on the mini-map. That's the advantage of choosing the role of Marksman who has damage in the early game, very different from the Hero used before, Hanabi.

In addition, enemies who are in the same line as Andre cannot reach Andre. The hero has Poke, Reap, and Charge attack types so the attack range must be close. In other words, the Hero used by the enemy is a melee type even though the attack type is magic.

"I got to level 4. My skills are already unlocked. I'm ready," Clara said.

She has been farming for quite a while and has now managed to get to level 4. For that, she is ready to counterattack her enemies who try to smack her while she is farming.

Livia pushed her enemies away, and in that instant, Clara quickly used the hero skills she was using. She managed to get 2 kills from both of her enemies.

And luckily, neither Tamy nor Sylvia killed the two enemies. Because if they kill the two enemies, then they will get the gold.

It's been four minutes. Soon the Turtle will appear. I hope Clara can seize the Turtle to enrich and provide additional Buffs for her team. I hope she can do that when the Turtle first appears.

The war over the Turtles is about to start, it's just a matter of time. Clara and that person, who became the Hyper on the enemy team, would compete against each other to kill the Turtle and determine who deserved it. And before that happens, I'm worried about the state of the Hero that Tamy is using. Tamy hadn't reached level 4 at all, which meant her Hero's ultimate skill wasn't unlocked yet. It would be very difficult for her to fight for the Turtle later.

"Tamy… you're back in your line now! You have to get to level 4."

I told her to. After all, she was desperately needed. The role she uses is the role of Fighter, who will always be at the forefront of the fighting. Therefore, by obtaining the ultimate skill, Tamy will be strong in attack as well as defense.

But unfortunately, when she was heading to the top line, wanting to kill the Minions, the Hyper from the enemy team appeared and killed her in an instant.

"What!?" Tamy is shocked by her hero who suddenly dies.

While together, I bit my lip. I'm sure the Hyper from the enemy team knows that Tamy plans to get level 4 to be able to fight in the Turtle area later. Therefore, that person immediately killed Tamy just like that.

Tamy is only level 3, has not been able to get to level 4, so that her ultimate skill is unlocked. This makes it difficult to fight over the Turtle. This is very difficult.

And the Turtle appeared when 5 minutes arrived.
