Powerful impact

The man in the black cloak suddenly felt alarmed and on edge. He hadn't sensed the arrival of the new person, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. This immediately raised suspicions in his mind.

The black cloak person, who possessed unusual powers of perception, couldn't sense this newcomer's presence nearby. It led him to believe that this wasn't an ordinary individual. He suspected that this stranger had a unique ability to conceal themselves, making them invisible to his keen senses.

This unexpected development left the man in the black cloak feeling uneasy and unsure about the true nature and capabilities of the young man with the cat.

"Who are you brat? How dare you interfere with me?" He was very annoyed and felt insulted.

Leo, with a mischievous glint in his eye, decided to provoke the man in the black cloak further. He hurled a series of insulting and scornful words, deliberately aimed at getting under the cloaked figure's skin.