Fler'Gan the Zealot

Aldrich could not hear or see until his eardrums healed and his eyes adjusted from the intense blinding light, like a flash bang had been set off right in front of him. Seemed like though undead had night vision, blinding effects still worked on them provided they still had eyes.

Nothing could tell him how the battle ended except a message from his status screen:

[Boss: Fler'Gan the Zealot defeated]

[+800 EXP]

[EXP Bar: 770/1200 >1570/1200]

[Level up]

[Level 10 > 11]

[EXP Bar: 370/1400]

[5 stat points available to distribute]

Aldrich breathed a sigh of relief. He was 99% sure Fler'Gan was dead, but when he saw those messages, he felt absolutely confident. He waited a good twenty or so seconds until his blinding faded and his ears healed up with his [Anti-Life Shell].

He saw Valera and Dynamite Girl standing in front of him, squabbling while the Geist looked awkwardly between them, trying to resolve the conflict but not knowing how.