Incident of a Certain Flight 3

"Fire! Fight! Do anything!" roared Rockshaper as he pointed his arm at the monstrosity. Jagged spheres of rock formed in front of his palm and fired off with the velocity of bullets.

Cowboy finally shot at the right place this time, unloading as many bullets as he could.

Another hero fired blasts of blue energy, another spears of water, another unloaded a clip from a handheld minigun, and so on and so forth.

A hailstorm of diverse projectiles rained against the being, but they all clattered off the entity's green forcefield. Some of these projectiles missed and smashed into the walls of the plane, gouging out holes that grew dangerously close to breaching the walls.

"How many powers does he have!?" shouted a hero. "This gas, that shield, not to mention how strong he is and that blasting attack! This-this doesn't make any sense!"

"He must have a weakness!" said Rockshaper. "Something for all this power he has. A time limit, maybe-,"