[Bonus chapter] Meeting Minuteman

'I sense that you have reached the very same conclusion I have,' said Fler'Gan.

'The Chrysalis is growing a soul? Is that even possible?' said Aldrich. He scraped his memory for all the lore he knew in Elden World and found he could not think of a single instance where a creature spontaneously just made a soul for themselves. "The closest I can think of are golems implanted with pure souls.

Souls emptied of any memories or individuality from their past owner that could 'color' them. But that isn't making a new soul, that's just recycling an old one.

This also isn't like that. My soul is not 'pure' in that way. It has all my memories. It has all of who I am.'

'Indeed. I have also thus ruled out that possibility,' said Fler'Gan. 'But there is one additional way in which a soul may be created, and that is through the birth of new life. Through reproduction. That way, even beings with fully unique souls may produce an entirely new soul.'