The Humans Strike Back

"That said, I cannot be everywhere at once, and that is where the Deildeghasts come in," proclaimed Aldrich.

In response, the Deildeghasts chattered through their skeletal teeth a proud echo as they raised their smoky greatswords above their heads.

"They will be positioned right behind the attacking force, creating a defensive line that will not only protect you, but blind the enemies positioned at the front. Whenever you sustain too much damage or need cover, retreat behind their [Spirit Boundaries] to recover.

Though your healing is greatest within my [Mist of Regeneration], even outside of it, you will have some minor regenerative power.

As you advance forward, the Deildeghast line will advance as well.

If you encounter any enemies that are strong enough to warrant my attention, immediately alert me. Either I or my Inner Circle will deal with it. If you encounter a swarm of enemies too thick to deal with, then alert me. My storm will provide air support.