[Bonus chapter] Bring Down the Thunder 2

A few dozen meters above Merman and his entourage, he stopped, stretching out his draconic wings and anchoring himself in the air.

In response, Merman's four glowing red eyes widened. His many sharp teeth bared from large gums as he snarled and pointed up at Aldrich, and in immediate response, the many mermen dedicated to throwing out projectiles shot at Aldrich, unleashing a huge volley of water spikes and blades.

Aldrich tanked the initial volley, his [Death Essence] barrier causing the projectiles to ping and pong off of it.

Up close, Aldrich noted that the water constructs were actually crystalline in structure, having been completely solidified.

Every projectile flew at speeds rivaling subsonic velocity, and it was no wonder that an entire army of mermen throwing these out could easily overwhelm masses of E and D rank heroes so quickly, even with their barriers.