The Connector

Aldrich noted that though Seismic was largely a stoic man, there was something in the way that he so very violently balled up his fist as he talked about punching a hole through Shrimp that made it very clear that within Seismic, there were violent tendencies unbefitting of a 'proper' hero.

But then again, as Aldrich deeply knew, there were so very few proper heroes out there anyway.

"Good to see you all ready to fight, but before that, I need you to tell the Panopticon drone fleet to stand down," said Aldrich. A good chunk of my forces are variants I've placed under my control, and the Bugs are targeting them.

A rank heroes can directly order around Panopticon responses all the way up to class 2, can't they?" said Aldrich.

Seismic nodded. "Not exactly. But I can force the drones to link me with a Connector. There, I should have enough authority to submit direct requests."

Aldrich nodded.

"Then we'll do that. Up," he said, directing Crow to move.