A Deal

"…A sponsor?" Minuteman raised a brow as he looked at Aldrich questioningly. "Let me hear that again, you want me to be your sponsor?"

"Yes," said Aldrich.

"I would be more than happy to sponsor you, considering the pure color of your willpower and how much good you've done tonight, but I have to ask: what for?" said Minuteman. "If it's for a Hero Consideration Hearing, I don't think that's going to be necessary for someone like you.

As long as you have a relatively crime free record on your CID, hell, even if you haven't exactly been on the straight and narrow path, so many corps are going to see what you did and try to snap you up.

And they've got a lot more power than me to fast track you to top hero status in the AA.

All the powers you've used today probably exceed any power regulation license you have, but the corps and their lawyers will get that cleared from you in a flash.