S Rank Encounter

Aldrich and Seismic instantly looked at each other when they heard that voice. Seismic gave Aldrich a wary look, one of warning as if to tell him to be careful.

In contrast, the rest of the crowd had a bit more energetic reaction .The whole crowd perked their heads up in immediate recognition of that voice. Surprised exclamations broke out.

"Holy shit…is that Solomon Solar!?"

"I saw the Halo before, but they went ahead and sent the rank 1!?"

"We get to see the rank 1! Damn, I never thought I'd be lucky enough!"

Aldrich observed the reactions from the crowd closely.

Solomon Solar. The current rank 1 on the Superboard Top 100, the leaderboard that ranked heroes based off of AP (Achievement Points) earned and social media popularity.

Although the leaderboard did factor in strength, and yes, the top of the Superboard were always going to be at least somewhat strong as a given rule, it was not a definite indicator of raw power.