Hear Me Out

This was why Aldrich was in a checkmate position. Or at the very least, why Solomon Solar thought Aldrich had no way to win.

Even if Solomon was forced to accept Aldrich's deal, he would not have to fulfill any part of it. Because the government could lock Aldrich up for any amount of time, and if he escaped, then they could just slander him as a danger to society that could not be contained.

An inevitable lose-lose situation for Aldrich. If he stayed too long in custody, people forget about him. If he escaped, he turned into a villain that Solomon could just disavow.

"Custody, is it?" said Aldrich. He looked to Solomon Solar, then towards the row of Guardians that carefully observed him, no doubt ready to engage any of their advanced weapons systems at a moment's notice. "That explains all these Guardians.

So, in the end, arresting me and throwing me in a cell somewhere matters more than all of this."