A Crypt

"I see," said Aldrich as he beheld Aarav's right eye. He had not quite seen anything like it before. It was not the odd lotus shaped pupil itself that caught Aldrich's attention.

Alters could manifest odd physical traits a plenty, not to mention with how colorful fashion was these days, there more than a few people wore eye contacts with all sorts of strange shapes.

What caught Aldrich's attention was the feeling he got from looking at the eye. When he stared at it, it seemed to expand before him, turning into an engulfing void that radiated a strange sense of…cold.

Not a chill, not the kind that crawled through the body with fear, but something strangely, well, comforting.

It was hard to put exactly into words. But when Aldrich felt that cold, it felt like he was being introduced to an old friend, something that had been lost but now was found.