Volantis (2)

Volantis remained quiet, as if pondering what Aldrich said. Then, after a small spell of silence, the living armor spoke again. "An orc? Even I find that difficult to believe. I had always thought orcs as vile, simple, brutish creatures.

I myself have drenched my hands in their blood many times. Few I have ever found worthy to add their bones to my collection."

"I'm almost completely sure about this," said Aldrich. He put a hand to his chin out of habit as he continued to think and remember.

There was almost no doubt in Aldrich's mind: Volantis had been an orc.

Orcs in Elden World were generally regarded as gruff, unintelligent, barbaric creatures by other races due to their bloodthirsty warmongering ways that sought conflict seemingly with their every waking moment.

Many races looked down on orcs because of this, and Volantis himself, with his memories erased, saw them as brutes. But it was simply a difference in culture and circumstance. A matter of perspective.