A small, white haired, white eyed, white robed woman manifested above, near the ceiling of the sizable transport. She was small and made herself even smaller by sitting with her legs drawn up and her arms hugging them like a child. She floated in the air as if in zero gravity.

"Hello, Irregular," said the woman as she waved at Aldrich in a greeting. Her voice showed no hint of emotion. Neither did her face. She was unreadable to Aldrich not in the same way as Solomon Solar who had lived a fake life for so long he was a master at hiding himself.

No, she was unreadable because there literally was nothing to read.

As if she was not a human at all.

There was something strangely off about this woman. Aldrich could not quite place it, but when he looked at her, he felt like he saw something completely uncanny. Something that did not belong. Like seeing a car in a medieval village.