[Bonus chapter] Worthy

[Bonus chapter for getting me to top 20 golden tickets/powerstones!]


"Volantis, do you remember me?" said Aldrich.

Volantis turned to Aldrich. "I do. I chose you as my Armored."

"And have your feelings changed?" said Aldrich.

"…" Volantis did not respond for a good minute. In that time, both Valera and Okeanos were tensed up, ready to fight if needed. "No. The feelings I had in the past do not matter now.

My past life is just that: the past.

I cannot change who or what I am now, but I know that I did choose you. I will not go back on my word so easily." He turned to Wai'ki. She shrunk back in fear at his gaze. "Wai'ki…I remember you too. I apologize for my behavior. It was not right. I was confused, and I do not like when others touch me without my awareness."

"It-it's okay," said Wai'ki. She put on a happy smile. "As long as you're happy now, I'm happy too!"