[Bonus chapter] A Hard Headed Counter

Bonus chapter for getting me into golden ticket and powerstone rank 20!


Volantis lay helm first on the ground, completely still.

"What?" said Aldrich. "Is that all?"

"I was merely admiring how wonderfully struck that blow was," said Volantis as he pushed himself up, not much worse for wear. There was a small dent on the side of his head where Aldrich's foot had made impact. "Marvelous! Let us go again!"

"Alright then-" Aldrich made the first move this time, setting off on a sprint towards the Living Armor.

From that last blow, one thing Aldrich could confirm was this: Volantis could not use his Truesight when using his Orcish powers or else he would have seen Aldrich's hit coming from the sand smokescreen.

"Come!" Volantis gleefully welcomed Aldrich's attack. He smashed his foot into the ground, causing another row of jagged rocks to rush against Aldrich.

Aldrich did not want to break his momentum by swerving to the side.