Love, Past and Present 4

Aldrich looked at Valera's hopeful eyes and smiled back. "If you put it like that, then there's no reason for me to refuse, is there?"

Valera's eyes widened further. "Does that mean…you are saying…"

"Yes. It means I'm saying yes. I'm willing to try. I don't know where this path will lead us, but I'm willing to walk it with you. " Aldrich nodded. He did not know too well what he was getting into.

He knew how to play the part of a confident flirt in case he needed to infiltrate enemy spaces via a woman, but he figured he would never have to play that part beyond just regular flirting.

Actually being in a dedicated, long term relationship was something he had never factored as a valuable asset to him. Because, he had figured, he would be dead long before he could get into a relationship like that. Or if he did, it would only just cause pain for both parties.