
"That's right. If what she's limited to is shaping her mana, well, then, Shaping would obviously be the perfect match for her," said Aldrich.

"Indeed." Medula nodded. "It was a wise decision to unlock Volantis's suppressed self. Though you could not have foreseen this, I assume."

"Nope, but sometimes, things just fall into place, and I take what I can get," said Aldrich. "I assume this means you won't have as many lessons with the Chrysalis?"

"I can still guide her towards controlling her mana efficiently, but beyond those bare means, I have little more to teach." Medula manifested a notepad and a black feathered quill. While she scribbled notes down, she continued, "I will have to tell the Death Lord of this new development such that she can adjust her own training plans."

"She wanted to train the Chrysalis too?"

"Hm?" Medula briefly glanced at Aldrich. "Of course. I suppose she was too caught up in nonsensical talk to tell you this."