
Aldrich stepped into the control room. If there was ever a perfect representation of ordered chaos, then this was it. The room was lit only by the pale white glow of several large screens that Spybird and several other techno Red Circle staff members sat in front of. Wires, cables, cords, generators, and a mass variety of miscellaneous gadgets lay scattered everywhere in a complete mess, though the technos seemed quite capable of navigating through it.

"The light! Get it out!" Spybird covered his eyes against the brighter light from outside that streamed in from Aldrich holding open the door.

Aldrich promptly closed the door behind him. "They say that technos tend to be shut ins. Looks like that's true."

"Light is worst thing when head rings from hangover," explained Spybird.

"You sure you can do your job like that?" said Aldrich, raising a brow.