[Bonus chapter] Clint, the Unbreakable

Ace hated being weak.

He was meant to be strong. Trained to be strong. made to be strong.

If he was weak, there was no point in him even existing. He grunted as he drove his heels into the ground and then pushed his hands into the ceiling of flesh above him.

Using his tactile telekinesis, Ace extended the surface area his strength could interact with wide. A thin white sheet extended across the megaloptera's innards, and when Ace pushed, he pushed against this sheet, spreading out the force of his strength efficiently throughout.

Ace acted like a jack, prying open the megaloptera's guts to try and see where Tox was. He saw her then. She had shrunk into a tiny green puddle. Steam sizzled from her body, the intense heat of the megaloptera's innards evaporating her slowly but surely.