
Aldrich tapped his chest, where his Phylactery was.

In response, the Chrysalis and Valera materialized in a shower of white particles.

"Explore time yet?" said the Chrysalis. She looked around at Fler'Gan's lab in wonder. "So many toys…"

"These are not toys, child," said Fler'Gan. "These are fine instruments of alchemy. You would do well to know the distinction."

"Squid face!" Chrysalis pointed at Fler'Gan's mouth tendrils.

"…I truly do not deal well with youth," muttered Fler'Gan.

"Can you bring out the person you've been keeping in the room?" said Aldrich. "The one you've been putting to sleep?"

"Mhm. Okay." The Chrysalis closed her eyes and concentrated. She then clapped her hands, and with that, the Editor materialized in a flash of white. He fell to the floor of the cargo space with a thump, still snoring in deep sleep.