Road Trip

An hour later, and Aldrich was out on the road in his ARMA armored car. The same one he had taken from the leader of the Odinsons nomad gang that felt like an eternity ago. He had briefly wondered back then how the Odinsons could have afforded such a nice car, but now he realized: they made a hefty profit flipping and modifying Z's false CID templates.

Aldrich looked out his window, seeing nothing but endless stretches of dry wasteland. It was hard to think about how anything could even survive here, out in these swathes of barren, rust colored earth that had nothing green growing in them.

But still, life found a way.

Whether underground, around rare oases of blue and green, or inside cliff faces, life adapted and continued.

"You sure you don't want me to drive? This highway ain't maintained right, specially not around these parts," said Diamondback, Clint's right hand man. "And you've been behind the wheel for ten hours now."