Randall's Repairs

Aldrich made his way through the streets of Redrock. Like every tiered city, Redrock was built high and packed together with industrial efficiency. Neo-Modern architecture valued utility above all else, taking the bare austerity of modernism and drenching it with acidic utilitarianism to bleach it further of any vibrancy.

Buildings from the Panopticon came in black, white, or grey, and that was it, as if the Panop was allergic to any real sense of color. Designs were simple and geometric, consisting mostly of various flavors of cube and not too much else.

Granted, the Panop did allow for independent contractors to build, but only in select spots and for a fee, making buildings that stepped out of this mazework of blocks and cubes and rectangles and dull colors a luxury afforded to, well, those who could afford it.