[Bonus chapter] Clint's Job

Fisk nodded, taking in Aldrich's words.

"Yeah, when you put it that way, it does make sense. That makes me feel a little better about it all. Anyways, I hope you don't mind me enjoying this vacation, boss." Fisk shrugged before he pulled out a gamedeck, a portable console. A chrome blue X shaped logo showed that it was from Exceed, a top end video game corp based in Japan.

Unsurprisingly, as far as gaming went, Fisk spared no expenses.

"You sure Spybird doesn't need your help piloting this?" said Aldrich.

"Got no experience interfacing with planes," said Fisk. "I just BS'd to V that I could to get out of her hair. Literally."

"Haha!" A deep laugh boomed through the innards of the plane, echoing off of every wall with near deafening intensity. "Look what we have here!"

Clint stepped into the cargo hold, dwarfing Fisk in both size and personality.

Diamondback smiled. "Yeah, I'm seeing a good for nothing punk."