Resolve to Fight

Aldrich looked around his Boundary and took in a deep breath, nostalgia washing over him. The living room that he was so familiar with, his mother's paintings, his father's comics, all of the warm memories associated with it all welled up in his heart.

This was a good place. And he could thank one little girl for all of it.

"...Father?" Chrysa whispered out, her voice still shaky with sleep. She sat on the couch, in front of the telescreen. She rubbed her eyes, wiping away sparkling tears of sleepiness.

"How are you feeling?" Aldrich sat down beside her.

"I'm okay," said Chrysa. She hung her head low, placing her hands together in pensive gesture. "I'm sorry for being scared."

"It's fine." Aldrich patted Chrysa's head, and she started to smile. "It's fine to be scared in a situation like that. We were in a fight, a real fight, and you probably couldn't handle the stress."