[Bonus chapter] Greater Demon

"What is that, father?" Chrysa pointed high up to the sky. The night was darker than dark, the little light of the stars suffocated under a cloud of thick smoke.

Where the moon was, there was instead a bright red V drawn in stark contrast against the smoke. A scar of infernal energy torn into the sky; a half formed gateway into Morhal where demons awaited on the other side like hungry zombies banging against a closed door. "Why is the moon so weird?"

"Not the moon. A Flame Arc. A type of dimensional doorway that demons use to enter into different dimensions," said Aldrich. It was half formed. A complete Flame Arc had another V beneath it, interlocking the letters together to create a diadem shaped portal.

Deimos, the warlock here and the main boss, was well on the way to complete a ritual that involved processing all the souls of the elves here to fuel the ritual.