Night Parade

"Now then," said Medula. She floated in the air, her bat wings fluttering, as her eyes flashed red. She stretched her arms out, motioning to the endless rows of dark bookshelves.

From above, the library must have looked like an unending, packed ribcage, each rib manifesting as a curved bookcase packed with tomes.

"What will you pick? Please remember to be reasonable. I place great value on much of these."

Aldrich looked around, and Chrysa mirrored his movements. When he looked left, she looked right. Where he analyzed with calm, she stared with wide eyed wonder.

"I recognize most of the tomes here by how their cover looks. Most aren't useful at all. Like one over there is about learning cooking spells. And another there is about creating love potions," said Aldrich. "I'm surprised you kept so much."

"Knowledge does not discriminate. Anything there is to learn, to know, I have stored," said Medula.

"Sounds like a serious case of hoarding addiction to me," said Aldrich.