[Bonus chapter] Second Vote, Second Offer

"Jin Woo's got a lotta ambition," said Tychus. "Real hungry, he is, just like his pops and his pops before him." Tychus chuckled. "World peace, he says, thinkin' real big, but I think he's forgettin' about the little people.

Makes sense, considerin' his company makes them fancy, secret tech, but here at ARMA, we're a family company - we see you folk no matter how small or big.

Everyone knows our guns, specially' the green grade line that we make sure is affordable for everyone.

Now, let's entertain Jin Woo's ideas here.

Say that this plan to turn the Titans into our lil pets doesn't work, then what? We just kicked the mother of all hornet's nests without a plan B, C, D, E, or F.

If it's order you want, Thanatos, then we gotta start small.

Jin Woo's a bright kid, and he's right about one thing: the variants do gotta go.

But we gotta start small. We gotta make sure the families are protected first. Then, when homes and cities are all clear, we can think about the big stuff."