
"Thank you." Aldrich watched as Supermind's life finally faded away. His emotions towards seeing humans die were muted, but he did feel loss for Supermind.

Aldrich had looked up to the Triune when he was a child, just like countless other children. His biggest hero inspiration was Vanguard, but Supermind was a close second.

Supermind, the suave, quiet, cool character that contrasted with Vanguard's bombastic loudness. In many ways, Aldrich related more with Supermind than Vanguard.

But that was the past. When he always looked up.

Now, Aldrich stood at the precipice, at the very edge of the tip of the world. Supermind was an equal to him. And because they were equals, Supermind trusted Aldrich to avenge him.

This, above anything else, validated to Aldrich that he belonged here. At the top of the world.

"Take the body quickly. We have the machines to deal with" said Dracul.

Aldrich nodded. He placed his hand on Supermind's chest.