Etal Reversion

Aldrich watched the fight take place from high above, away from the thick of the mass destruction.

"She's going through all THAT?" said Mollusk, dumbfounded.

Valera flew against the tide of rainbow light, getting within a hundred meters of the boss geist now.

The hill she once stood on eviscerated under the endless barrage, each bolt carving out huge, molten chunks in the rocks until they had eaten the entire hill up into nothing but a steaming crater.

The entire landscape suffered similarly, gouged out with countless deep holes.

"Where was all this when she fought me?" said Mollusk.

"She's a defender, but deep down, she's far more suited to offense," explained Aldrich. "When she really lets loose, she's undeniably a force to be reckoned with."

The more hits Valera took, scorching heat from the explosions billowing past her shield and burning her body, the more her rage deepened, and the more she reverted.