[Bonus chapter] An Inheritance Issue 2

"Yes." Aldrich had offered the treatment to Randall, Elaine's adoptive father, as a means to cure his waste lung. It was an experimental treatment using regenerative variant stem cells - stem cells harvested from the disease immune geists that the news report before talked about - and coaxing a human body to accept them.

A successful treatment healed all diseases, and not just that, it granted the patient an infinitely evolving immune system exactly like that of the geists.

"Arjun's the one that made that happen. Soma, his company, has also developed a fast version of Regenerol that induces short term accelerated healing. A useful health pack for heroes or soldiers.

All from that one discovery.

He made one breakthrough and now he's milking it for all its worth.

Anyways, enough of my bitter rambling here, but Arjun has approached my father with a potential operation to make him truly immortal.