A New Party 2

The Panopticon controlled half the world's food supply with their Skyfields and government or corporate controlled farmlands supplied the rest.

Haven was surrounded by 'Dry' Wastelands that could not grow much of anything. The land here was dry, cracked, and parched. What hardy flora that could grow were generally classed as variants that humans could not digest.

In contrast, higher tier cities like Neo-York were generally surrounded by 'Wet Wastelands' that had plenty of greenery around them, though said greenery was still infested with variants.

Blackwater was nestled right at the edge between the dry wastelands that Haven sat on and wet wastelands that Neo-York occupied. It had forests a plenty, forests that Aldrich had roamed in when he first became an undead.

It was part of the reason why Aldrich wanted to take over Blackwater. It was like a forward base where he could start to access more life-giving land.