Machines and Demons

Beta listened to V and responded.

"It seems you may have some auditory function issues," said Beta. "I will repeat myself-,"

"No, I heard what you said, laser pointer, but are you being for real? You're part of the Omega Mind?" said V, still visibly stunned. "If I could grab you-," She swiped at Beta, but her hand phased through its green dot form. "I could sell you for a bajillion credits!

Any piece of data left behind by the Omega Mind is like the absolute holy grail of jackpots for Cyberspace delvers!

You're like a national, no worldwide treasure!"

Made sense. Aldrich was not too familiar with the topic, but he knew that Delvers were people that traveled through the virtual reality of Cyberspace to find lost data to repurpose or resell.

Cyberspace was its own world where it was not atoms, but data that built everything up, forming a three dimensional space that people could travel through and interact with using their avatars.