Heist Planning 2

"Alright," conceded Diamondback. "But we still have to have SOME semblance of a plan."

"Then plan away. It's why I brought you, heh. You got all that cerebal shit down to a T. It's no wonder my pa trusted you as his right hand man. And why I trust you with my life." Clint lied down, arms forming a pillow behind his horned head.

"Now, to continue from where I left off before these...interruptions," said Diamondback.

"You're the one that started it," said Stella, defiant.

"Sure. Now let's get back to the plan." Diamondback conceded easily, wanting to get on to the plan, and Stella, though her brows were still knitted together in defiance, was mature enough to back down when there was no fight to be had. "Our objective is to break into Meteor Labs and secure their Kryptic supply. Kris-,"