Panopticon Cure 4

"So, has my offering been satisfactory here?" said Aldrich, sarcasm leeching through his voice. He looked up at the necklace, now so far up in the complex weave-work of neural pathways that if he did not have superhuman zoom-in vision from Volantis, it would have been impossible to see.

The necklace copy up there was still the real deal, as far as benefit to the Panopticon was considered. Aldrich did not want the Panopticon to get taken over by demonic influence. It was just too big of a goldmine of technological resources and stored information to risk A.I.I. ever taking over.

And, as Delta stated, the Panopticon was necessary for global security. For now. If Aldrich got a hold of the machine heart, it was entirely feasible for him to take the Panopticon over himself, and at that point, the whole world would be in the palm of his hand.