Heist Intrusion 2

"Imugi?" Diamondback stiffened up, his whole body language tensing and radiating perceived threat. Clint, in response, lost the languid casualness that marked all his movements, straightening his own posture,

And if Clint, the most loose out of everyone there, was reacting like this, then something was off.

"That's not just high end. It's high-high end," said Alan under his breath.

"Rich bastards," said Tox.

"Imugi? We-we really are in the big leagues, huh?" said Falco nervously.

"How many HVs?" said Diamondback.

"My ears only picked up one," said Clint.

"Just one," confirmed Kris. "I actually have some of Imugi's ID database data, but this isn't registering on it."

"That data's from the big heist y'all Phantoms pulled ten years ago, though, ain't it?" said Clint. "The one that got yer boss in her shiny big wheel fortress."