
"Goddamn! Are we out in the Wastelands or something!? Why the hell are there so many variants!?" Stella shouted as she sent an uppercut right into the chin of a chimeric fusion of lion and turtle. Her glowing fist sent an explosive blast upwards, knocking the lion straight into the air with half its face blown off.

The lion's corpse fell limp onto cold, rocky earth. These were the vaults, and most of it used a tunnel and cavern network that already existed underground.

"They all look ugly as hell, too! Like someone just took random variants and mashed them together like a modern day Frankenstein."

"They're everywhere!" said Falco. He moved with jittery, adrenaline controlled steps, aiming this way and that, firing his Aztech lasergun freely. The green laser bolts, guided by smartlink technology, auto-aimed and precisely bored through the eyes of several variants.