Dream's End 2

"No!" roared the Hero. He charged the entity, slamming it with his shield with all his might. They crashed through the cityscape, plowing through highrise building after building.

Adam was dead.

The closest friend that the Hero had ever had.

Rage filled him, fueled him, propelling his power to heights it had never reached before. The air around the Hero and the entity ignited from the friction of high speed movement, turning them into a shining meteorite that quickly sped past the city, entering into the Wastelands.

Or formerly the Wastelands. They had been renewed with green and growth oncemore. But the entity had taken that green and made it grey and lifeless just like everything else.

Memories of Adam flowed into the Hero's mind, spurred by his loss.

When Adam had saved the Hero from the jaws of a variant during their Hero License examination.

How Adam had knocked himself out in a several week long coma taking a hit from a powerful villain meant for the Hero.